ArchiMate suited for emerging Data centric processes?
Extrated from "A Data Architect’s Guide to the Data Catalog", By Dave Wells 2020-05-20

ArchiMate suited for emerging Data centric processes?


ArchiMate not suited for data?The question arises about Archimate (standard enterprise architectural description visual modeling language) being suited for data, when considering emerging data related practices and process related to data quality, data exchange, data sharing, data archiving, data governance or IA.

This is particularly relevant when considering ArchiMate comes only with 4 constructs for representing passive objects of the data viewpoint: business object, data object, artefact and representation?

I attached a figure depicting some emerging processes related to data governance and processes it aims at supporting for a certain trend.

The recent DCAT W3C specification for data catalogs results from this trend, which doesn't necessarily respond to the needs of other data related frameworks, such as the ones related to manufacturing data exchange, sharing and long term retention required for Product Lifecycle Management (I'm thinking about ISO standards such as ISO STEP for models of products and associated processes).

I also don't retrieve all what is related to data warehoused related to data analytics dedicated to decision making and business intelligence.

Indeed, "data" concept is overloaded and comes with some fuzziness since the very beginning of computer science, for which everything is data: a program is a set of data giving instructions for a machine in order to consume and produce data stored in separated datasets (non executable files in you computer). Haven't programs which are also datasets to be managed and govern as well than datasets which are not programs?

So much of the time I'm a little bit puzzled when considering the current trends, being for data governance or knowledge management. The proposed frameworks are disconnected from the enterprise context and they are addressing very narrowed needs without considering an holistic view of what is to be considered within an enterprise, and reconcile these approches with enterprise modeling.

This can't be done without coming back to some basics, with a consistent set of definitions clarifying what we are talking about, and then to "inject" in ArchiMate relying on the extension mechanism of the language as needed, in order to include in the overall picture evolving and heterogeneous needs related to "data" related processes and practices.

This is what I'm exploring in this article.

About DCAT

DCAT stands for Data Catalog Vocabulary. It is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the web. RDF (Resource Description Framework is a standard model for data interchange on the web). DCAT provides a set of classes and properties to describe datasets in catalogs and facilitates the discovery and exchange of metadata about datasets. DCAT is widely used in the context of open data initiatives and helps improve the discoverability and accessibility of datasets published online.

How data catalog differs from data or business object

A data catalog, data, and business object are related concepts but serve different purposes within an organization's data management framework:

  1. Data Catalog:A data catalog is a centralized repository of metadata about datasets. It provides information about the datasets such as their location, structure, ownership, usage, and relationships with other datasets. Data catalogs help users discover, understand, and access available data assets within an organization.They often include features for data governance, data stewardship, data quality assessment, and data lineage tracking.
  2. Data:Data refers to the raw facts, figures, and observations collected or generated by an organization's operations. Data can exist in various forms such as text, numbers, images, audio, video, etc. Data needs to be organized, processed, and analyzed to derive insights and make informed decisions.
  3. Business Object:A business object is an abstraction or representation of a real-world entity or concept within a business domain. Business objects encapsulate both data and the operations or behaviors associated with that data.They are used when modeling and managing business processes, as for exemple customers, orders, products, invoices, etc. In this exemple Customers, Orders, Products or Invoices are typically considered as entities or objects within a business domain. They represent real-world entities that businesses interact with or manage. involved in various business processes. For example, Customer Management might involve processes like customer registration, account management, or customer service interactions. Order Processing involves processes like order creation, fulfillment, and payment processing. Product Management involves processes like inventory management, pricing, and product updates. Invoicing involves processes like generating invoices, sending them to customers, and managing payments. So customers, orders, products, and invoices are integral components of various business processes within an organization. They represent the data or objects around which business processes revolve.

In summary, while data catalogs provide metadata about datasets to facilitate their discovery and management, data itself represents the raw information, and business objects represent the structured representations of real-world entities within a business domain. Each plays a distinct role in managing and utilizing data within an organization.

ArchiMate fuzziness

As stated in the introduction, it points out some fuzziness in ArchiMate. ArchiMate provides a set of constructs for modeling different aspects of an enterprise architecture, including data. While ArchiMate provides constructs such as Business Object, Data Object, and Artifact for representing data, the distinction between these constructs may not always be clear, especially when considering aspects like data catalogs, structured data with schemas, and data assets for decision making.

Let's break down these constructs and their potential ambiguities:

  1. Business Object: In ArchiMate, a Business Object represents a concept or thing in the business domain that is relevant to the organization. It typically represents an entity that is part of a business process. However, the term "business" can be somewhat ambiguous. While Business Objects can represent entities like customers, orders, products, etc., they might not perfectly encapsulate the concept of structured data or data catalogs.
  2. Data Object: A Data Object in ArchiMate represents data that is used or produced by business processes. It's a more generic term for representing data, but it may not clearly differentiate between structured data, data catalogs, or data assets.
  3. Artifact: Artifacts in ArchiMate represent physical or digital objects that are used in the enterprise. This can include documents, files, databases, etc. While this construct may be suitable for representing data catalogs or structured data in certain contexts, it might not fully capture the nuances of data management and usage within an organization.

Addressing the fuzziness issue

To address the fuzziness and provide clearer representation of data-related concepts, organizations using ArchiMate may need to extend the language or provide additional guidance within their modeling practices. This could involve defining specific conventions or patterns for modeling data catalogs, structured data schemas, data assets, and consolidated data for decision making within the ArchiMate framework. These extensions would help ensure that data-related concepts are accurately represented and understood within the enterprise architecture models.

However, extending the language should not mean to change the specification of the language, providing new modeling constructs. Such an approach is not appropriate, due to quick evolution and versatility of data related practices. So the idea is to use the specialization mechanism of ArchiMate as needed and required by each enterprise, and to rely on the "Representation" construct of ArchiMate. The Representation construct in ArchiMate is indeed intended to capture and document various forms of representations, including those related to data. Using ArchiMate's specialization mechanism to refine the Representation construct rather than introducing entirely new concepts. This approach aligns well with ArchiMate's flexibility and extensibility features. Let's explore how this could work:

  1. Specializing Representation: Instead of introducing entirely new concepts, you can create specialized types of Representation elements to represent specific data-related artifacts such as data catalogs, datasets, dataset structures, etc.
  2. Associating with Data Objects and Artifacts: Once you've specialized Representation elements, you can associate them with existing ArchiMate constructs like Data Objects and Artifacts. This association clarifies what the Data Object or Artifact represents and how it's related to specific data-related processes or activities.
  3. Capturing Representation Information: Each specialized Representation element can capture detailed information about the represented artifact. For example, a specialized Data Catalog Representation element can include metadata attributes describing the catalog's contents, sources, quality, governance, etc. Similarly, specialized representations for datasets can include information about their structure, content, and usage.
  4. Clarifying Data-related Processes: By associating specialized Representation elements with Data Objects and Artifacts, you provide clarity on the role and purpose of each data-related element within the enterprise architecture. This helps stakeholders understand how data is managed, utilized, and governed across different processes and activities.
  5. Utilizing ArchiMate's Views and Relationships: You can use ArchiMate's views and relationships to visualize and analyze the relationships between Representation elements, Data Objects, Artifacts, and other elements in the enterprise architecture model. This provides a holistic view of the data landscape and supports decision-making in data-related initiatives..

Overall, by leveraging ArchiMate's specialization mechanism to refine Representation elements and associating them with existing constructs, we can effectively capture and communicate detailed information about data-related artifacts within the enterprise architecture model. This enhances the clarity, accuracy, and usefulness of the model for stakeholders involved in data management and governance.

Some specification already addressing this need?

While ArchiMate itself provides a flexible framework for modeling enterprise architectures, specific extensions or profiles tailored to data management might not be readily available within the standard ArchiMate specifications. However, there are initiatives and standards outside of ArchiMate that address the need for modeling data-related aspects within enterprise architectures. Some of these include:

  1. Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK): DMBOK is a framework created by the Data Management Association (DAMA) that provides a comprehensive guide to the principles and practices of data management. While not a modeling language itself, it offers guidance on how to manage data within an organization, which can be incorporated into enterprise architecture modeling practices.
  2. Data Governance Frameworks: Various data governance frameworks, such as the Data Governance Institute's Data Governance Framework or the DAMA International's Data Management Body of Knowledge (DAMA-DMBOK), provide guidance on establishing and maintaining effective data governance practices. These frameworks often include concepts and models that can be integrated into enterprise architecture modeling efforts.
  3. Industry-Specific Standards: Depending on the industry or domain, there may be specific standards or best practices for modeling data-related aspects within enterprise architectures. For example, in healthcare, there are standards like HL7's Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) that define data models for healthcare information exchange.
  4. Modeling Languages for Data Management: While not specific to enterprise architecture, there are modeling languages and standards focused on data management, such as the Entity-Relationship (ER) model or the Unified Modeling Language (UML) with its Data Modeling Profile. These languages can be adapted and integrated into enterprise architecture modeling efforts to address data-related needs.

When addressing the need for modeling data-related aspects within enterprise architectures, it's essential to consider these external standards, frameworks, and best practices alongside ArchiMate. By integrating relevant concepts and models from these sources, organizations can create more comprehensive and effective enterprise architecture models that accurately capture the complexities of data management and governance.


We've delved into the potential enhancements needed for data modeling within the ArchiMate framework. Although ArchiMate offers constructs like Data Objects and Artifacts, there's a recognized need for more specialized representations, such as data catalogs and datasets, to capture the nuances of data management effectively.

The flexibility of ArchiMate allows for customization and specialization of existing constructs, such as Representation, to better accommodate these data-related concepts. By utilizing ArchiMate's adaptable nature, organizations can tailor their models to suit their specific data management requirements.

Moreover, it's essential to consider external standards and frameworks from the data management domain. Resources like the Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK) and data governance frameworks provide valuable insights and best practices that can inform data modeling efforts within ArchiMate.

By integrating relevant concepts and models from external sources, organizations can develop more comprehensive enterprise architecture models. These models accurately reflect the intricacies of data management and governance within their organization, facilitating better decision-making and alignment with business objectives.

In my case, while dealing with digital end to end collaboration within the manufacturing domain for PLM, MBSE, Virtual Manufacturing and EA, the standards I've been considering are external open standards considered by my enterprise when dealing with Digital Design, Manufacturing and Support. With ArchiMateCG (c.f. many posts and articles publish on this topic), I've been exploring various way to decorate ArchiMate graphs with complementary data and metadata, but without relying on the proposed way to rely on "representation" construct at this stage. This is will part of my future explorations.

Let's follow...

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