Image by @discoveryeurope


Dear readers and friends,?

Another year has passed so quickly!?

Looking back, what was the year for you??

At?NON ARCHITECTURE?we were pretty busy and as always, our community was a hell of creative??and found wonderful solutions for the future and today’s problems.

  • We had more than?800 PARTICIPANTS??in our several competitions, only in 2022.
  • We did a lot of brainstorming?on?#Renewable Energy Sources?, #Experimental Representation??#Virtual Reality?, #Urban Mobility?and #AI Tools?.?
  • We had?9?CLOSED COMPETITIONS??in total and?3 STILL ON-GOING?– with?8 CENTRAL THEMES.?
  • Co-organised by the Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen (UPDIS), the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), the international agency ARQ and curated by Non Architecture, we held?COMMUNITY 2050?with more than?300 PARTICIPANTS?.
  • Considering the current conflict situation due to the War between Russia and Ukraine, we launched the?WAR CITIES – Utopian and Dystopian Visions Competition?where all the profit was donated??to?Voices of Children in Ukraine.?

But now we are?kicking off the?New Year with a new challenge?:


The brief is simple:?we?ask you?to?REPURPOSE AN OIL PLATFORM??by following the requirements of the brief and?ONE AXONOMETRIC?projection to represent it, with absolute freedom??of interpretation, technique and level of abstraction.

We encourage you to push the boundaries??of creativity. You’re free to re-invent and?HACK ANY OIL PLATFORM OF YOUR CHOICE?, in order to become whatever function, you might see fit: it can either be a statement or have a very strong practical use. As long as the proposal utilizes an oil platform structure to create a revitalized form in its own distinct way.

In the near future, oil and its derivatives??will hopefully be replaced completely by renewable energy available to all people. In this sense, many industrial structures will lose??their original function. They can either be dismantled, or?WE CAN IMAGINE A FUTURE USE?.

Do you want to flex your design muscles??Are you willing to push your creativity to the limits????Looking forward?to showcasing your talents? Are you ready to skyrock your career??

Stay creative and see you all next week!?




