#235: The Archetypal Roles of the 21st Century Manager
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#235: The Archetypal Roles of the 21st Century Manager


In today's "People Skills" newsletter, we're doing something a bit unusual. We're combining one of our management presentations, "The 21st Century Manager", with the set of flash cards that go with the presentation.

In other words, you'll be able to read about the 8 archetypal roles of future managers and then test yourself on what you've learnt with the flash cards.

We like this idea as it doesn't just give you some new information which you might easily forget. It also puts you on the spot to remember it.

So, let's see how that works out...

01. Intro to "The 21st Century Manager"

The 21st century manager will look nothing like his or her predecessor of the past. Whereas those managers were defined by their ability to manage resources and control people and things, the modern and future manager will be defined by who they are, what they believe, and the effect they have on others. The role will embrace 8 archetypal roles which we'll show you below...

02. Prophet

The new-age manager stands out from others by their ability to see possibilities that others don’t see...

03. Partner

The days when the manager was someone who stood above the workforce and worked in a separate part of the business have long gone...

04. Performer

The new-age manager gets results. This is because he or she works with the team, knows what they want, and has the skills to communicate their vision to others...

05. Poet

It may sound strange to talk about the manager as a poet but as an articulator of the deeper meaning of the values of the workplace and a communicator of emotions as well as information, this is what he or she is...

06. Philosopher

The reason why the modern manager is a philosopher is that he or she needs a much wider perspective on the workplace than their predecessors did. They need to see much deeper purposes in work than just a way to make a profit or earn money...

07. Pioneer

The one thing that new-age managers have to live with is constant change. They have to create and tear down, build and destroy...

08. Persuader

One thing that hasn’t changed from the past is the key role that managers play in communicating with others. In fact, they have to be even better at communicating than ever...

09. Pilgrim

One of the heroic archetypes of the past was the pilgrim who goes on a journey to discover treasures and ends up discovering himself. That also describes the new-age manager...

So, how well can you remember this topic?

10. Flash Cards Question 01

List the 8 "P" archetypes of future managers.

11. Flash Cards Answer 01

The 8 "P" archetypes of future managers are: the prophet; the partner; the performer; the poet; the philosopher; the pioneer; the persuader; and the pilgrim.

12. Flash Cards Question 02

List 3 key skills of the 21st century manager.

13. Flash Cards Answer 02

Three skills of the 21st century manager are demonstrating personal clarity, masterly communications, and exciting vision.

14. Flash Cards Question 03

List 3 work expectations that people will have in the future.

15. Flash Cards Answer 03

Three work expectations that people will have in the years ahead are: finding meaning in their work; being able to grow; and expecting their leaders to be ethical.

16. Flash Cards Question 04

List 3 key roles of managers.

17. Flash Cards Answer 04

Three key roles of managers will be: being a coach to others; being a persuader rather than an enforcer; and being able to speak to people's values.

18. Flash Cards Question 05

List 3 key values of the 21st century organisation.

19. Flash Cards Answer 05

Three key values of the 21st century organisation are: delivering service; inspiring others; and making the workplace exciting.

What Next?

We hope you've enjoyed our little experiment of combining a short presentation with flash cards.

To become a continuous learner, it's a format that you should use on your own learning or in a workshop or training course.

Remember, though, that, with MTL, you're never alone in your learning and training.

With over 22,000 learning resources on our 6 websites, with 2 sites offering free downloads, we are here to help you create your own learning pathways and find the topics you need to become better at what you do at work.

With regular daily practise of skills, reflection, and review, you will be amazed at how quickly the skills will become second nature to you which in their turn will increase your personal confidence.

Well done and good luck!

PS. If you like to use Flash Cards in your learning, then you really must go to The Soft Skills Quiz (https://thesoftskillsquiz.com/) where you will find literally hundreds of them.

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Eric Garner

Managing Director

KSA Training Ltd


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