Archer Knight: Would You Like To Be An Investor?
In Q1 last year we conducted our first raise at Archer Knight. I was excited!
As a country boy who had grown up in rural Ayrshire and left school at 15 (with no qualifications) you would be forgiven for not connecting the two together. But like most things in life, if you have the right attitude, work hard, surround yourself with experienced, intelligent people - and actually listen to them - you can manage most anything.
My fellow co-founder of Archer Knight Michael Watson and I were fortunate to have the wisdom and experience of John Scrimgeour at our disposal. He selflessly helped us prepare for the raise. John introduced us to the right people and mentored us through the process. We were then lucky enough to have professionals like Jon Fitzpatrick, Kenneth Bell, David Miller, Jenni Colvin, Simon Cowie and the ever patient and wise Tom Reynolds support us and we remain grateful to all of them to this day. It was a steep learning curve but they were all supportive and understanding of our knowledge gaps.
That said though, we also realised that it was key to stay true to the reasons we started the company and also maintain the vision we had. Although it was important to secure the funds that would ultimately build our SaaS platform Flowline, we wanted to make sure our investors added more than cash. So we set out to create an international network of shareholders that fully understood our business and had the skills, knowledge, network and appetite to support our growth beyond investment. An now, as we enter our second raise, we know that this was one of the most important decisions we've made over the last four years.
So if it's not broken…right? Well, not exactly. The sentiment behind that phrase is good, granted, but I also think it's a little too 'catch all'. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be better. I mean, back in the wild west the stagecoach wasn't broken, it just wasn't as good as the train when it came puffing down the tracks.
We've benefited significantly from having established industry experts as shareholders. People based in the US, Norway, Dubai, Spain and the UK, all with different but compatible capabilities, vertically and horizontally. However, we want to widen our company's ecosystem further.
Therefore we're opening up part of our second equity raise to people from around the world who feel they can add value to the Archer Knight team. It doesn't matter what you do or where you're based. If you've always wanted to own part of a company and you feel you would add value to our collective shareholders, we want to hear from you. And you don’t have to have thousands to get involved.
On Monday coming we launch the external part of our raise. Many of our current shareholders are following their initial investment and we are hugely grateful they have this confidence in our team and services.
The next year is without doubt the most important moment in Archer Knight's history...and you could be part of it.
For more information email [email protected]
Disclaimer: Investing in Archer Knight (Holdings) Limited (AKHL) carries the same risk as any investment in a private limited company. Share investment characteristically brings significant risk. AKHL strongly advice that all investors think carefully about the investment and carry out proper due diligence in parallel with consulting their own, independent, professional financial and legal advisors. ?