Archaeological Suppression on the Giza Plateau and the Criminal Legacy of Dr. Zahi Hawass

Archaeological Suppression on the Giza Plateau and the Criminal Legacy of Dr. Zahi Hawass

Two months have elapsed since my previous post on the “Secret Space Program and the Breakaway Civilization”, and that’s obviously too long to keep everybody waiting on my next article. However, I’ve had a great topic to tackle in my mind for a while now, and it’s about time that I had a crack at it. This blog post is based largely on the excellent work of Jack Heart, who published a 5 part series of articles known as the “Shadow of the Nemesis” on the popular website Two of these parts were subsequently published in Nexus Magazine entitled “Shadow of the Nemesis: The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid” Part 1 and 2 in their October-November 2015 and December-January 2016 issues respectively. If you’ve never read Nexus Magazine, you’re missing out on what I consider to be the best magazine of its kind in the world, which is published out of Australia bi-monthly by Duncan Roads. It covers the best hard-to-find information dealing with alternative news, health, future science and the unexplained. Feel free to refer to the original series of articles at any time by going to the first part here.

Alternative archeologist, Michael Cremo, who wrote the massive tome Forbidden Archeology and his followup book Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwinism speaks about what he calls the “knowledge filtration process” that occurs in mainstream archeology and other fields of acamemia. In essence, inconvenient facts, findings, artifacts, etc. that pop up undergo a filtering process wherein they are weeded out of mainstream academic studies due to in large part to career tenured professors and their allegiance to a particular dogma that feels threatened by any information in archeological, historical, anthropological, and astrological record that refutes long-held and cherished belief systems that become a kind of academic dogma. In other words, you’d be surprised how even so-called objective science can and is manipulated and politicized when reputations, careers, and millions of dollars are on the line.

 That is why dangerous science such as GMOs, nano-tech, geo-engineering, and vaccines are being pushed on the masses despite their provable widespread harm to the eco-system and human health, which I have discussed in the past on this website and elsewhere. And, this very process of “knowledge filtration” and controlling the narrative of our collective human origins in order to both suppress our true identity in the ancient past and simultaneously maintain the status quo for the handful of academics that prosper from our collective ignorance shows up in abundance in Egyptology. Let us know look at just how this done in regards to perhaps the most amazing ancient archeological artifacts still in existence today…the pyramid complex at Giza and the Sphinx.

While the great Egyptologist, R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, first pointed out signs of water erosion on the Sphinx back in the 1950s, it was John Anthony West’s book Serpent in the Sky published in 1979 followed a year later by Zacharia Sitchin’s book The Stairway to Heaven that popularized what was to become an exciting new renaissance in Egyptology. Other researchers such as Robert Schoch, Steven Mehler, Collin Wilson, Christopher Dunn, Graham Hancock, and Robert Bauval would enter into the fray in challenging the dating of the Sphinx and Great Pyramid, the purposes for which they were built, and questioning the official orthodoxy in any number of ways including just what lay beneath the complex at Giza itself. Unfortunately, for all of these maverick archeologists, engineers, and Egyptologists, one very corrupt man would come to rule everything that was allowed to be done or not be done on the Giza plateau. His name was Dr. Zahi Hawass, who was named the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) in 1994.

 Since Hawass dominated everything that took place on the Giza Plateau including forbidding excavation in Upper Egypt in 2002, it is no great wonder why, in Jack Heart’s words, “all archeological scientific enquiry in Egypt ceased right then and there and would remain that way till Hawass was finally brought down, seemingly for good, by the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. During that almost decade-long period, nothing new of value would be published in mainstream Egyptology, nothing would move on the Giza Plateau, not even a lizard, without the approval of Hawass. He would now be the sole proprietor of everything ancient Egyptian. Academia swooned and the mainstream media, led by National Geographic lauded him as a messianic figure in archeology.” US investigators would later look into National Geographic’s relationship with Zahi Hawass, who was suspected of giving the magazine preferential access for bribery payments in a report by the UK Independent. It would therefore be quite instructive if we probe into Zahi Hawass’ corrupt and criminal past as the defacto “expert” and most powerful political figure on the Giza Plateau before we can ask ourselves- “Why was a two-bit con artist and crooked stooge like Zahi Hawass given so much power over the ancient anquities and phenomenal heritage of Egyptology to begin with?”

 Many people are aware of how America’s famous 20th century psychic, Edgar Cayce, would give detailed and quite accurate health readings to the people that would see him. Nicknamed “the Sleeping Prophet”, Cayce’s readings would fill volumes of books that still stored at the ARE (Association of Reseach and Enlightenment) in Virginia Beach. Edgar Cayce also predicted that a “hall of records” would be discovered under the right paw of the Sphinx that would reveal great secrets about the history of mankind on the planet including the lost continent of Atlantis. This reading has naturally piqued the interest of avid alternative historians and archeologists ever since. Hugh Lynn Cayce, Edgar’s son, undertook an expedition to attempt to verify his father’s readings back in 1978, which was financed by the ARE with Mark Lehner the on-sight supervisor. The whole expedition was filmed on 8mm color film with the blessing of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization. Helping the ARE with sensing equipment is the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), who have had a long-standing relationship with the US intelligence community and notably tested famed Israeli psychic Uri Geller around that time. The team was drilling a hole under the front paw of the Sphinx, but the entire expedition was unfortunately halted. According to a memo issued by the ARE, the reason for the stoppage was that “toward the end of the season, serious problems began to develop between the SRI team and the other major patron who [was] contracted for the survey of the pyramids and who was, at the same time, the party heading the drilling operations.” Over the years, many scientific expeditions have been made in order to ferret out the mysteries of the Great Pyramid and Sphinx.

 This other major patron could only be Dr. Joseph Johoda, who company Recovery Systems International was founded specifically for drilling beneath the Sphinx. According to Dr. Johoda, his team struck granite some 60 feet down and was stopped by the Egyptian military at gunpoint from going any further. Granite isn’t indigenous to the Giza Plateau and the nearest source where it could have been quarried was about 600 miles to the south in Aswan. Therefore, it could have only been some kind of underground ediface that they hit. When new drilling operations would commence for the Institute of Underground Water of the Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation, Hawass would hit red granite some 55 feet down. Although, Hugh Lynn Cayce wanted to keep going, he would die in 1982. Unfortunately, Hugh Lynn contributed mightily to the Egyptian frankenstein monster that Zahi Hawass would become, since he naturally felt that he would need Hawass to advance in the Egyptian government to obtain the necessary permits to continue excavating. Hugh Lynn says, “I got him a scholarship at the University of Pennsylvannia in Egyptology to get his Ph.D. I got the scholarship through an ARE person who happened to be on the Fulbright scholarship board.” Cayce, as we’ll soon discover, wasn’t the only person who would be betrayed by Hawass. Subsequent investigations by the ARE, however, have proven fruitful.

Back in 1993, Charlton Heston narrated an Emmy-award winning documentary entitled Mystery of the Sphinx in which he highlighted the discrepancies between mainstream Egyptology and “hard science”. One of the most glaring of these discrepancies was the geological dating of the Sphinx, which should be much older than mainstream accounts. After all, Yale-educated geologist Robert Schoch would spend 10 years on the Giza Plateau beginning in 1990 taking measurements and doing analysis of the undulating vertical profile and prominent vertical crevices following joints and faults that are all tell-tell signs of water runoff. As erosion is also seen on the back end of the Sphinx, this would indicate that it would have had to have existed during a time of sustained rainfall. The last time there was a period of heavy precipitation was the Nabtian Pluvial that occurred in Egypt between 10,000 BCE to 3,000 BCE.

 Around the same time this documentary was rattling the cage of mainstream Egyptology, Zahi Hawass was relieved of his title by the President of the Egyptian Antiquities Organization (EAO), Dr. Muhammad Bakr, who was Hawass’ nominal boss. The reason for his dismissal? Apparently, a priceless statue had disappeared while in the custody of Hawass. However, by June of that year, Dr. Bakr would be the one fired under allegations of malpractice and fraud against him. By the early part of 1994, Zahi Hawass would have both his title and power over the Giza Plateau back with the EOA being revamped in the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) and under whose rule “all archeologists working in Egypt were required to report all discoveries and finds to the SCA before publication.” As for Dr. Muhammad Bakr, he would talk about a “mafia” that controlled the Giza Plateau for “the last 20 years” and say how he “wanted the whole matter investigated by the prosecution authorities but my request was refused.” In responding to the astute observations of Robert Schoch and John Anthony West in redating the Sphinx due to its obvious excessive water erosion, Zahi Hawass said- “If geologists prove what Schoch is saying, still in my opinion, as an Egyptologist the date of the Sphinx is clear to us.”

 One of the more glaring examples of the kind of Egyptian mafia that Zahi Hawass was running is the imprisonment of Abdul Hamid Qutb, who was the right-hand man of Hawass within the SCA. Abdul was found to be peddling millions of dollars worth of restoration contracts, which could never have been awarded without the explicit approval of Hawass. However, while Abdul Qutb was imprisoned for 10 years and ordered him and two officials of Egypt’s Ministry of Culture to pay fines of between LE 200,000 and LE 550,000, Zahi Hawass was never even questioned about his role in the affair telling the BBC that Qutb “did not have decision-making authority”. Aha! And yet, we were led to believe that the one who did have dominant authority (Zahi Hawass himself) didn’t exercise it in this most important of cases wherein he stood to make millions in bribes for restoration contracts?

The following year in 2009, Zahi Hawass announced- “Under my direction, the Supreme Council of Antiquities is working to reduce the groundwater level around the antiquities sites throughout Egypt.” He boasted of his success with his scientific system that it would “prevent the Great Sphinx at Giza from getting its paws wet!” With this cute little visual, he then fired off at his detractors saying, “Perhaps the most important result of the groundwater project was that it enabled us to put to rest speculation about mysterious underground tunnels and chambers carved below the Sphinx by ‘ancient civilizations’. For years, I have debated people like John Anthony West, Robert Bauval, and Graham Hancock, who say that survivors of a lost civilization 10,000 years ago left secrets buried beneath the Sphinx.”

However, if Zahi Hawass was trying to disparage any thoughts of underground chambers and tunnels beneath the Giza Plateau, he clearly failed from the most basic reading of the scientific report detailing the restoration project where it describes that “well over a million-and-a-half gallons of water a day was being pumped from beneath Giza Plateau.” In other words, according to Jack Heart, there “had to be a hollow chamber to tap into, a subterranean reservoir to drain, in order to collect that volume of water.” There were also 33 sensors surrounding the Sphinx while the pumping project was underway according that same scientific report, which reported that it was stable. Needless to say, they woudn’t have gone to all the trouble of discerning whether or not the Sphinx was stable or not unless there were hollow and cavernous spaces underneath the Sphinx that could have led to its potential destablization.

 One of the most extensive seismographic and radar surveys ever done on the Giza Plateau was conducted by the Schor Foundation in collaboration with Florida State University. Initially run in May 1996, Schor’s team would return in November 1997 and again in February and September of 1998 with the blessing of Hawass and the SCA. And yet, the Schor Foundation was never able to fully disclose its findings to the public due to contractual obligations to the SCA. Dr. Joseph Schor, who was the founder and president of the Schor Foundation, was a lifelong member of the Edgar Cayce Foundation, also known as the ARE. The Schor Foundation was a non-profit, whose goal was to find evidence of the lost Atlantean civilization and its “Hall of Records” that Edgar Cayce had predicted would be found underneath the Sphinx as I’ve previously mentioned. Before Dr. Daniel Schor died in 2013, he told Robert Bauval that his seismic radar survey around the Sphinx “virtually confirms the existence of a subterranean network of passages and chambers.” In fact, when Graham Hancock appeared on the Art Bell Show (Coast to Coast AM) back in 1996, he told Art that Schor had found no fewer than 9 hollow chambers around the Sphinx with some even containing metal objects! Robert Bauval would repeat the same story. However, by the end of the millennium, they both completely reversed their position on those chambers being found. Why the sudden change of heart? Could it be that even alternative archeologists can be bought or perhaps even scared off? When it comes to the dark and nebulous world para-politics that I traverse on a daily basis, I’ve come to realize that anything is possible and paranoia is just as often the reverse side of ignorance as to what’s really going on.

To read this article on my blog with all of the inset pictures go to:

Magnus Liepold

Business Administration Student Operations Management & Marketing and Sales

1 年

Zahi Hawass will burn in hell for withholding all those important sites and findings from humanity !


WOW! I had no idea about anything negative concerning Hawass! Thank you Laurence for sharing this with me.

Laurence de Mello

In Development for original series with Banijay/Endemolshine

8 年

EXCELLENT Post! and finally someone speaks out about this criminal Hawass and the damage and theft of much of ancient Egypt's legacy. My company had to deal with Hawass in 1996 while producing 'Gold of the Pharaohs' - Quest for Gold, a 5 Part National Geographic series. Hawass was a total nightmare and obsessed with his own self importance and power. Everyone needed to kiss his ass and no one dared to oppose any of his ideas or theories. If anyone dared to do such, you were threatened with being ''banned'' from returning to any of the sites let alone for filming. He could and would, pull the plug on anyone, depending the mood he was in. Apart from the artifacts he has misappropriated during his dangerous tenure as overall MASTER of all and everything considered part of ancient Egypt, he has personally pocketed hundred of thousands of dollars, possibly millions over the years, from researchers, scientists, production companies, authors and film crews etc that have had to pay for any form of access. The worse thing is, (apart from the physical damage he has incurred to various sites that have been totally neglected/abandoned to vandals) he has obstructed scientists and researchers going there independently to further very important studies to help unlock the mysteries related to ancient egypt and her sites. So happy to hear he has finally gone, but I was under the impression that he had been reinstated again! Thank you for this Shane.


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