ARACY Insider 12th April

ARACY Insider 12th April

Here's what caught our eye this week...

Launch of the Footprints in Time: the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (LSIC) Primary School Report

What helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children thrive at school?

Footprints in Time: The Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children (LSIC) Primary School Report provides valuable insights from the study participants including the children, their parents and carers, and education professionals.

Key findings from this Queensland University of Technology report include:

  • Stronger literacy and numeracy growth was associated with:fewer significant life events.access to more resources at home and school; andgreater student wellbeing (reported by parents);lower teacher-student conflict (reported by teachers);positive teacher style (reported by students);
  • Parental involvement during Years 3 and 4 was a significant predictor of academic (NAPLAN) outcomes over and above socio-demographic influences and children’s early development skills.
  • Many teachers had insufficient professional training in cultural competency.
  • School-based racism was experienced by a significant proportion of parents and children.
  • Although many schools celebrated Indigenous days of significance, few schools taught Indigenous culture or had Elders visit or teach.

Find more information and read the full report here


The release of this study generated much conversation within the team who were pleased to see the importance of parent engagement highlighted.?

ARACY is one of Australia’s leading experts in parent and family engagement, gained through our extensive research in this space for over a decade. Leveraging this knowledge, we have developed planning and implementation resources to assist school leaders and educators to better engage with the parents and families in their school communities.

Read more about ARACY's work in parent engagement in learning here

Demand for new youth anti-vaping program surges as Parliament considers world leading vaping reforms

Unprecedented concerns around rising vaping rates in schools show the need for immediate action, a recent trial has shown. ? A research trial of a program aiming to reduce the number of students vaping and smoking, developed and delivered by the University of Sydney’s Matilda Centre, proved hugely popular and was taken up by 250 high schools across Australia. ? The popularity of the?‘OurFutures’ Vaping program?is indicative of the huge concerns of teachers and school communities about the rising popularity and dangers of vaping.

“We urge all Parliamentarians to stand with parents, teachers, schools, doctors and public health experts who are calling for urgent action to stop Big Tobacco from cynically preying on young Australians.”

The Hon Mark Butler MP - Minister for Health and Aged Care

Read the full press release here


The Vaping National Education Roundtable Report

Last year ARACY hosted a roundtable with Health and Education experts from the Federal as well as every State and Territory Government. Together with students, parents and Principals we facilitated a discussion about practical strategies to counter vaping among young people.?

Read the full report here

Maximising the Middle Parent Survey

Do you have a child aged 8 to 14 years?

Do you live in the Campbelltown LGA,

or does your child go to a school in this area?

The Western Sydney University and the Maximising the Middle Collaborative are conducting a study that examines the wellbeing of young people in the middle years (aged 8-14 years), as reported by parents and guardians, and what they would like to see changed or improved in their community to help their child thrive.

The middle years (ages 8 to 14 years) is a time where many changes happen for children and young people, and it is important that they receive the services and support they need from their community?to be doing well during this part of their life.

Plus, by completing this survey you have an opportunity to enter a draw to receive one of three $30 pre-paid gift cards!

Please undertake this anonymous survey to help us learn more about how your community can best support your middle years child. It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

This survey will be open until mid-May 2024.

Complete the survey here

Content to Thrive By

This week we're excited to?bring you a new section to our newsletter - Content to Thrive By.

Here we will share what we're reading, listening to or watching.

This week's recommendation comes from Barbara Barker, Research Manager for ARACY.

"One of the things I'm liking about this book is its pragmatic approach to thinking about the state of the world and our global future, and that's useful for conversations with young people who are often feeling anxious or hopeless about the climate crisis."

Not the End of the World

How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet

Author Hannah Ritchie

Feeling anxious, powerless, or confused about the future of our planet? This book will transform how you see our biggest environmental problems – and how we can solve them.

Find more information here



