Arabinose: A Biomarker for Yeast Overgrowth in the Gut Microbiota

Arabinose: A Biomarker for Yeast Overgrowth in the Gut Microbiota

The GMDMT (Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis Marker Test) evaluates for various fungal toxins, including specific markers for candida, as well as other fungus such as mold and yeast. Many individuals rely on stool testing for candidiasis diagnosis. However, a stool test is often negative for candida overgrowth detection, while the GMDMT often detects the presence of candida and yeast toxins. The GMDMT is overall more sensitive for candida analysis because it is detecting chemical production within the digestive system that is reflective of these organism’s metabolic activity, and tissue invasion along the mucosal lining of the gut. The organic acid arabinose, often elevated on the GMDMT, is linked to this process of mucosal invasion. Some of candida toxins can create problems with brain function including memory, attention, and focus (1).

Produced by action of Candida hyaluronidase on the intercellular cement, hyaluronic acid. Oxidation of the hyaluronic acid breakdown by white blood cell hypochlorite produces tartaric acid and arabinose. Antifungal treatment and high potency, multi-strain probiotics may help rebalance Gastrointestinal (GI) flora.

ZIVAK Quantitative Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis Markers Urine LC-MS/MS kit was developed for quantitative detection of the 26 organic acids in human urine samples. LC-MS/MS is an influential device for the study of metabolic disorders and LC-MS/MS analysis gives results in 20 minutes with minimal sample preparation.


You can learn the amount of Arabinose level with the


1) Lord RS, Bralley JA. Clinical applications of urinary organic acids. Part 2. Dysbiosis markers. Altern Med Rev. 2008 Dec;13(4):292-306. PMID: 19152477.


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