The AR5 Public & Private Library
The AR5 Library is where you can keep files for use on your website, such as images and PDF documents.
The "Public" directory is where all of your public files go. The "Private" directory is for special files that require credentials to access.
You can also use the AR5 Library to host files for front-end development. For example, CSS, javascript, and font files can be uploaded, and then called using an HTML module on a page or under Boilerplates.
While browsing inside the folders of your library, you can quickly check where you are by looking at the crumb trail, which sits at the top of the library window. You can use this to click back to a higher folder in your library directory, or you can use the nav disc. The crumb trail, nav disc, and nav heading work just the same in the library as they do in AR5's main window.