Aquavision leads the way with British design and manufacture

Aquavision leads the way with British design and manufacture

Did you know that all Aquavision products are designed and manufactured in Great Britain??

As the originator and leading manufacturer of high-end luxury televisions, the company has been committed to quality British manufacturing ever since it was founded back in 1997.

Today Aquavision’s expansive range of high performance, indoor and outdoor in-wall televisions are all designed and manufactured at the company’s headquarters in Stockport.

All members of staff are based here, creating high-quality products which are engineered so they can be upgraded at any time, proving that luxury is timeless, not throwaway.

Whether you order a 16-inch or a 100-inch screen – or indeed anything in between – it will come with the Made in Britain mark, something the company is proud to display.

Made in Britain is a not-for-profit organisation that supports British manufacturers across the globe, uniting the British manufacturing community.

Its official Made in Britain mark can only be displayed by companies and organisations who meet a strict list of criteria. So, if you spot the distinctive red, white and blue logo you instantly know that the item you are buying supports British business.?

Buying British is the ideal option for so many reasons. Opting for British made products cuts back on the number of miles the items you buy have to travel to reach you, making it more environmentally friendly. It's also great for the local economy and provides investment in skills for future generations.

Alastair Benn, Aquavision Managing Director, said: “Aquavision is a proud member of the Made In Britain organisation and we know it makes our products unique. Our Stockport-based team of dedicated professionals care about quality and processes, working tirelessly to ensure we are the best of the best.

“Our focus on innovation and design continues to revolutionise television as we once knew it, offering customers an unrivalled choice of sizes, styles and finishes coupled with an emphasis on future-proof technologies.

“Britain has a long history of manufacturing and design success and it’s something we are proud to support. Innovation excellence is at the very heart of what we do and the quality of the products that are designed and produced by our team in Stockport only helps to highlight this further.”



