Aquaterro to supply ADF with Next Generation Weapons
The SIG P320 X-CARRY PRO, one of the Next Generation Weapons to be provisioned by Aquaterro to the ADF.

Aquaterro to supply ADF with Next Generation Weapons

Aquaterro has been selected to provision Next Generation Weapons Systems for the ADF as part of the LAND159 Lethality System Program. The announcement came during Land Forces 2022, where Aquaterro owner Graeme Bulte officially signed the contract with NIOA to provide the ADF with the SIG Sauer P320 X-Carry Pro pistol, along with the SIG Sauer MCX .300 personal defence weapon system.

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Aquaterro CEO & Owner Graeme Bulte signing the contract with NIOA. Photo curtesy of NIOA .

The outcome of the historic Land159 Tranche 1 decision is the result of years of collaboration between Aquaterro and our partners at SIG SAUER, Inc. As the sole distributor of SIG SAUER in Australia, coupled with our extensive end-to-end capabilities, the appointment of Aquaterro to supply the ADF with Next Generation Weapons will ensure that our soldiers have cutting edge capability advantage on the frontlines.

The selection of Aquaterro to provision SIG SAUER Next Generation Weapons is a major win for the 100% Australian Owned and Operated Aquaterro. As reported in Soldier Systems, "Aquaterro has, by our estimates, won over 80% of this entire project, in terms of both dollars and quantities".

Check out the line-up of next generation weapons below.

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SIG P320 XCarry Pro outfitted with the SIG ROMEO2 Red Dot Sight

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SIG P320 XCarry Pro with SIG FOXTROT2 weapon light and a Safariland 7TS, ALS,SLS,QLS Holster.

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The Sidearm Weapon System will be purchased in the thousands, to tens of thousands over the life of this contract.

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The new Personal Defence Weapon System (PDWS) consists of the SIG MCX complete with two upper receivers in .300 BLK, equipped with SIG ROMEO4T Optic and SIG JULIET4 Magnifier.

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The PDW System is likely the largest acquisition in volume terms after the P320 for Land159.T1.

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As reported by Soldier Systems: "With Land 159 Tranche 2 on the horizon seeking new Combat Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns and Medium Machine Guns, the SIG-Aquaterro combination is now truly a force to be reckoned with in the Australasian region. Especially on the heals of SIG’s selection for the US Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapons program."

You can view the Soldier Systems article below.

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