AQABA Client Next Story
Arya Wechat

AQABA Client Next Story


I contact client at 10.06 when it was Chinese National holiday and send him quotation at last Saturday, but got his reply yesterday, we both agreed with the price we discussed.

But when I get the SHIPPING ORDER which we called it as SO, I found that the schedule change, it delay to 10.22 closing , it means we can load the container at 10.17, at least 5 days before schedule. and the client just send me this Angry Emoji and after that didnt send me message back. I dont know what is that mean,

Just feel every time wanna do business with him, the vessel schedule will be mess and always delay, by the way, typhone will arrive Guangdong province this two week, I m not sure the vessel chedule will change again or not. God bless me!!!



  • 家乡小吃


    早上好啊, 各位!有谁知道这是什么小吃吗? 哈哈哈

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