An April Update ??
Myra Anubi | The Solutionists

An April Update ??

Hello solutions seekers! ?

This newsletter will give you updates about the people and projects that are making a difference in our world. It's news that goes a step further to find out about solutions to some of the most pressing problems we face today. Its stories are broken down in a way that you can understand and help others find out about global change.

It's small things that could inspire bigger things.

It's positive news!

Myra Anubi

International Day of Conscience ??

Have you ever heard of the International Day of Conscience? Well it's today!

This day aims to build the courage and awareness needed to create a world where everyone can speak their mind, believe what they want, and live without fear. It champions for the recognition that people are born free and equal.

IMG: UN Photo | Mohamad Almahady

Ignoring human rights often causes terrible acts to happen to innocent people. So to promote stability, well-being, and friendly relations, the General Assembly declared April 5th as the International Day of Conscience.

Now there are many things happening to around the world to promote this, but here are a few ideas worth mentioning:

?? The Library Of People: The library where you borrow a person to have chats so as to help break down assumptions and prejudices.

???? Disability Is Not Inability: How technology and other ideas are being used to challenge peoples attitudes towards disability.

?? Sierra Leone Leading The Way: Understanding why a country with several different faiths has one of the highest rates of religious tolerance.?

???? Girls Can Do It Too: Find out about some projects helping women get equal jobs and pay as men.

? Women Fighting For Land: How women in the Democratic Republic Of Congo are pushing for the right to buy and own land.

#HumanRights #Equality #Freedom #InternationalDay

Whale would you look at that! ??

US researchers have found signs of more grey whales along the western coast. About five years ago, hundreds of these whales were found dead on beaches from Alaska to Mexico so this comes as good news.


Why is this important?

Grey whales play a big role in our ecosystem because of the way they feed. Simply put, they raise a lot of mud which, in turn, releases lots of nutrients. This boosts life on the ocean floor and brings up sea creatures for birds to eat.

Find out more here:

#Whales #Conservation #Sealife #EnvironmentalWins #Nature #OceanLife

This Weeks Solution Seeker ??

Music is medicine to the soul - Victor Aluonzi

Victor Aluonzi is a Ugandan teacher using music to help people heal. He is part of Salaam Music, a programme set up by the charity Sina Loketa in Bidibidi.

Bidibidi is one of the largest refugee camps in Africa. It's home to over 200,000 refugees who were forced to flee South Sudan due to the civil war.

Victor Aluonzi | Play For Change Foundation

Victor is using music to bring people who've been greatly impacted by violence and conflict together so that they can deal with their emotions, replace any negative thoughts, and feel united.

We had tribes who could not intermarry, we had tribes who could literally not buy from the same market, who couldn't go into the same schools. When we started the music activities, ?it created a social environment where, different young people started gathering together and realising one interest, which is music, So as time went by, we realised actually, the element of hatred, started vanishing.

~ Victor Aluonzi

Victor has been doing this for over 3 years and has nearly 200 people in his classes every week.?You can find out more about him here:

#Music #Conflict #Unity #Peace #PeopleFixingTheWorld

Cambodia Fights Tuberculosis ??

Cambodia has had a big drop in both Tuberculosis (TB) deaths and new cases in the last twenty years. TB deaths have gone down by 45% since 2000, from 42 cases per 100,000 people to 23 in 2022, according to the country's Prime Minister Hun Manet.

Even though TB is preventable and curable, it is still one of the world’s top infectious diseases with data showing that more than 1 million people still die from it each year.

IMG: USAID Cambodia

These improvements mean Cambodia can reach the Millennium Development Goals for reducing TB sickness and death four years earlier than expected.

It's a big achievement and you can find out more about it here:

#Cambodia #Tuberculosis #Healthcare #Health #EndTuberculosis

?? Is This Working

Democracy Wins In Senegal ????

Bassirou Diomaye Faye won the presidential elections in Senegal this week bringing in a new era in the country's political history. However, a bigger win might was the way the election was conducted.

IMG: Senegalese Presidency | Handout | Anadolu via Getty Images

Reports seem to suggest that there was a higher voter turnout, no manipulation of the election results and no military influence which is a good sign for the region. Find out more about it here:

#Senegal #Democracy #Elections #Changemakers

?? Tell me about your solutions!

Hi there ????

I'm Myra Anubi and if you've come across any other positive things happening where you live, I'd love to hear about them! Just DM me on Linkedin or email [email protected] ??

Myra Anubi | The Solutionists

Listen to the podcast People Fixing The World to find out about other change makers near you!


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