April is Stress Awareness Month
Throughout the month of April I will be shining a light on this important topic - Thank You to Adobe Stock for the image

April is Stress Awareness Month

Stress isn't choosy & will sneak up whenever it feels like it ~ Don't ignore it & let it win!

The word "stress" frequently barges it's way into everyday conversations I know I've said it myself. You find yourself rushing around, struggling to find time to fit everything in, the dog needs walking, the grass needs cutting there's a report you need to complete. In the wild frenzy of everyday life someone asks "Hey, how's it going?" and you reply, "I'm stressed!", but are you really? Stress is not the same as simply being rushed, in my view, it can be a symptom of something far worse. Left unchecked it can grow out of control and quickly spiral into the worst kind of stress imaginable.

If I said "life can be stressful" I think that would better reflect how many of us often feel. Yes, life can be stressful, but by making even the smallest of changes we can reduce the stressfulness of our daily load significantly.

So, what is stress?

Stress is the body's method of reacting to a condition such as a threat, challenge or physical and psychological barrier. Source ~ Wikipedia

Stress can manifest itself in a number of different ways but quite often we brush them off as something else.

According to the NHS Website physical symptoms of stress can include

  • headaches or dizziness
  • muscle tension or pain
  • stomach problems
  • chest pain or a faster heartbeat
  • sexual problems

but, it doesn't stop there. Next on the list are a range of mental symptoms to look out for which include

  • difficulty concentrating
  • struggling to make decisions
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • constantly worrying
  • being forgetful

finally, there may be changes in behaviour which include

  • being irritable or snappy
  • sleeping too much or too little
  • avoiding certain places or people
  • drinking or smoking more

The really upsetting thing for me is, we can probably all look at these signs and symptoms and pinpoint times in our lives when we have all experienced one or more of them. How many times have we said "I'm just tired because I didn't sleep well" and carried on, when perhaps we could have made a minor change or confided in someone. I'd say sadly fairly often particularly in recent years.

If you'd like to learn more about the signs and symptoms of stress please visit Stress - Every Mind Matters - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

When stress is left unchecked or the stress is so severe, it can lead to feeling physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. We often use the term "burnout" to describe this.

What can you do to combat stress?

The quick answer is LOTS OF THINGS and even better they don't have to cost anything!

Here are a few of my favourites

  • Take a walk, get out in the fresh air and turn your phone off if you can! Nothing beats breathing fresh air and being amongst trees. If you are lucky enough to live near open countryside or a park, great! But even if you don't, a brisk walk outside will reap so many rewards and help clear and calm your mind.
  • Drink plenty of water! A body that's dehydrated is going to cause you all sorts of issues. Headaches from dehydration really are the pits. Think of it like putting fuel in a car. If you don't eventually the car will stop, your body is the same, be kind to yourself.
  • Get some sleep! Staying up late is fun but not all the time. Sleep is when the body and mind heal themselves, if you don't get enough good quality sleep you will always feel half done.
  • Exercise! I love to walk and swim but recently my Daughter joined a dance fitness club. I go with her and it's great fun! Okay, I didn't go this week but I know when I do go, not only do I get to spend time with her (the best bit) I get a good workout and feel all the better for it. I've made new friends and I know that even though I ache, it's good for me.

My biggest bit of advice

Please be kind to yourself, don't let limiting beliefs be the loudest voice in your head and when and if they are the loudest, please , please, please don't suffer in silence. Talk to yourself in the same way you would speak to your very best friend, someone you love. How would they feel if they knew you were hurting and needed an ear to listen? Don't let stress win.

If you'd like more suggestions and advice on how to combat stress please visit the NHS page ~ a trusted source as always 10 stress busters - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Remember #alwaysbekind #stressawarenessmonth #stressprevention #emotionalwellness #burnoutprevention

Victoria Markham-Beech


