April Newsletter
We hope everybody is keeping safe during this global pandemic. As COVID-19 continues to spread its devastating impact on public health and the economy worldwide, language industry professionals are experiencing its fallout across the globe. Whilst some language service providers have seen their work volume increase, some have seen their business disappear almost completely. As we learn to adapt and change the way we work and interact, effective communication has never been so important. From stand-alone freelance translators going pro-bono to organizations like Translators Without Borders calling on translators to volunteer their services, the language industry is doing its bit to help people access health-related information in their own language. Being able to access thoughts, ideas and resources irrespective of language barriers has become vital. InterpretAmerica 2020 went virtual last month, so has interpreting during health emergencies; and sign language interpreters are becoming a more systematic part of news conference announcements.
Remember, LingoStar is available to translate crisis-related translations at no rush fees. You can read about our response to COVID-19 in English, Spanish, Italian, German, and French. Stay safe!
Over the past month, we've celebrated French Language Day on March 20th and World Water Day on March 22nd. We also delved into the world of literary translation, and of course, we celebrated Easter (and ate lots of chocolate too)!
A new month also means new blog articles. Three fantastic posts, all promoting the richness and benefits of multilingualism, cultural diversity and understanding for a better world.
French Translation Services in Canada Now, more than ever, it is important that you keep your French audiences updated about the developments in your organization. LingoStar can help with French Canadian translations! Interested?
All things Italian We honored Italy and the beautiful Italian language with our myth-busting article about all things Italian. Read all about it and how Team LingoStar can help you.
The majority of public events originally planned this Spring in Vancouver might have been cancelled or postponed, but there is plenty of online events to keep us busy, healthy or even to learn a new skill!
April & May Events Calendar · April 1 – April Fool's Day · April 10 – Good Friday (statutory holiday) · April 12 – Easter Sunday (Easter Long Weekend) · April 22 – Earth Day · May 5 – Cinco de Mayo (Mexico) · May 10 – Mother's Day · May 18 – Victoria Day (Stat Holiday)
Events in April & May in and around Vancouver · Every Wednesday starting April 1, 2020 at 7:00pm: Chor Leoni Inside – Livestream. The Chor Leoni Inside livestream offers an opportunity to join the virtual viewing party and interact with other audience members online, or just enjoy a curated selection of choral music.
· Every Wednesday Royal BC Museum @ Home (Kids) are live at 11am and RBCM @ Home (Youth & Adults) every Tuesday and Thursday at 12pm. Next one: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 11:00am to 11:30am: RBCM@Home Kids - Go Fish with Dr. Gavin Hanke. Happy Earth Day! Join Dr. Gavin Hanke, Curator of Vertebrate Zoology, to explore the different ways to look at, wonder about, and draw fish. During this session we look closely at an old favourite, the London Shubunkin Goldfish. If you missed passed webinars, check out their YouTube page.
· Tuesdays (races revealed), submit times by Sundays at 9:00pm: Deep Cove Kayak - Virtual Tuesday Night Race Series. This weekly time trial series is the first of its kind. It's certainly different to what we're all used to, but by the nature of it being virtual, means you can compete anywhere in the world (with flat water) - which is new and awesome!
· Starting Friday, May 15 at 12:00am - Jun 30 at 11:30pm – Ope-RUN-ation Virtual Half Marathon (13.1). Participants can earn their medal by completing the full 13.1 distance at once or by completing the distance increments. Participants receive 2020 Ope-RUN-ation Finisher Medal, Official Tyvek Race Bib, and Incremental Distance Pins. In support of DirectRelief, a nonprofit organization coordinating with authorities to provide PPE to health workers responding to COVID-19.
· Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 6:15pm-8:15pm online meeting (other dates available): Vancouver Mandarin Learners Toastmasters Club Meeting. Most guests and members range from a low intermediate to an advanced level in Chinese. If you are looking to take your Chinese language skills to the next level, then an immersive language environment is key.
· Wednesday, May 13 2020 at 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT: SFU Medical Translation Interpretation Certificate Online Info Session. Facebook Live Event. Would you like to provide language assistance to save lives, and protect health and well-being to those in need? SFU provides training to help you obtain credentials in the medical translation and interpretation field.
· Saturday, April 18, 2020 and every Saturday for 5 weeks at 10:30am-11:30am PDT: French Immersion Playschool (2-5 yrs). This 5-week program is especially designed for children to learn French in a fun and interactive environment. Children will connect with an experienced teacher to enjoy circle time, songs, movement, storytelling, crafts and more!
· Monday, May 4, 2020 at 09:00am (other dates available): Communication Skills 1 Day Virtual Live Training in Vancouver. You will dive deep into the all forms of verbal, non-verbal and written communication, and come out with a developed sense of personal communication style that will help you to connect with, communicate to, and inspire people around you.
For more events in Vancouver in April and May, check out Vancouver's Best Places website or Tourism Vancouver website or Eventbrite.
Thanks for your interest in our services and stay tuned for more interesting articles. If you need professional translation, interpretation services, or voice-overs, make sure to get a free quote at lingo-star.com.
Feel free to call us at 604-629-8420 or email us at [email protected] for more information. We are here to help.