April: Key Publications on CalWORKs, Medi-Cal, Public Safety, and More

April: Key Publications on CalWORKs, Medi-Cal, Public Safety, and More

The Budget Center team has been busy analyzing critical issues impacting Californians and ensuring advocates have the data needed to protect investments and make the case for a more equitable and inclusive state.?

Our latest resources offer valuable information and analysis on topics like CalWORKs, Medi-Cal, public safety, multilingual students, and more.

Learn more about each publication below:

Prioritizing Family Well-Being: Making CalWORKs More Accessible

A new factsheet explores how California’s CalWORKs program, a vital support for families with low incomes and children, penalizes participants financially for not meeting work requirements. Budget Center experts, Laura Pryor, PhD and Monica Saucedo, PhD , highlight the story of Briana, a Parent Voices California advocate who experienced this reality firsthand.

Medi-Cal Coverage Loss Stings Californians: Paperwork Challenges Persist

Streamlining the Medi-Cal renewal process and improving program accessibility is crucial to ensuring all Californians keep the health insurance they need. Our policy experts, Adriana Ramos-Yamamoto, MPH and Monica Saucedo, outline solutions for a more efficient system.

Shoplifting in California Is Below Pre-Pandemic Levels and Crime in California Remains Well Below Historical Peaks

Budget Center expert Scott Graves highlights how shoplifting, property crimes, and violent crimes remain well below pre-pandemic levels despite a recent rise.

Medi-Cal is a Key Support for K-12 Students from Multilingual Homes and CalFresh is a Key Support for K-12 Students from Multilingual Homes

In these data hits, our policy experts Jonathan Kaplan and Monica Saucedo shed light on the importance of Medi-Cal and CalFresh for young students in multilingual homes.

Over Half of All California Workers Are Immigrants or Children of Immigrants

A new data hit from Monica Davalos, MPPA explains why immigrants are essential to California’s labor force and social fabric, representing 1 in 3 workers in the state.

California’s K-12 English Learners Disproportionately Experience Homelessness

In this recent data hit, Jonathan Kaplan addresses how English learners comprise 1 in 5 California K-12 public school students but were more than 1 in 3 of the state’s students who experienced homelessness in 2022-23.

Explore these publications and find more helpful resources at calbudgetcenter.org/resources.


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