April Fools' is Over! Or is it?
Laura B. Young
Life Coach for Women who are ready to manifest the lives they truly want and deserve by being willing to overcome obstacles that sabotage their way. It's time to do the deep work to create meaningful change in your life.
April Fools’ day encourages us to engage in elaborate hoaxes in tricking friends, teasing, laughing; usually harmless. What if the most complicated and damaging hoax is the one we play on ourselves …all year long?
(This article first appeared in my newsletter to subscribers. Signup on my website, www.LauraBYoung.com.)
It is said that April Fools’ Day began when the Gregorian Calendar took over from the Julian Calendar. One version tells of some trickery about March having 32 days with the 32nd day becoming April Fools’. The people who were slow to grasp and slow to change were mercilessly teased.
How about you? You may not be shamed publicly but how do you talk to yourself about your fears of change, sins of avoidance or omission?
What ways that you fool yourself to stay in denial. How do you ply trickery, manipulation, deception to side step the hard stuff, to avoid facing denial in seeing the hidden or rejected parts of self?
The hidden has enormous power to run the show. It is denied or pushed down; parts of ourselves that we don’t like or don’t want others to see; that causes us struggle, confusion and ‘stuckness’. Healing begins with a decision and determination to find out what is hidden even from yourself.
In the following blogs, I share in-depth strategies about the use of journaling to excavate what is hidden and how to heal what you find. Most of all I encourage you to never fool yourself again.
Until we meet again, further down the road..
All the Best,
The Incredible Power of Journaling
The power journaling puts in your hands as a tool for healing and subsequently claiming your Feminine Power is incredible.
- If you are willing to come out of denial to meet what is tripping you up – Journal!
- If you want to feel worthy of an incredible life – Journal!
- If you’re ready to change the old story that you have been living by to risk creating a new one – Journal!
- If you want more Love, Health, Time, Money –Journal!
- If you are ready to claim or reclaim more of your Feminine Power-Journal!
In my practice, Journaling is called “The Therapist” between sessions.
Secrets Shared (an excerpt from my book, Remove Obstacles to Experience UNSTOPPABLE FEMININE POWER):
Stop everything else… just for a little while. It is a good idea to set aside at least 20 minutes, and as you reap the benefits of practice you will no doubt want to extend your time. Choose a place that is quiet; without disturbance or outside pressure.
Some women have been known to create an altar, sometimes when there is busy family life; in their closet. My closet is not that roomy. Create a little sanctuary, a quiet place for you, that you go to again and again. It can be the same chair in a corner of your bedroom. Wherever you choose just use it for this reason and build healing energy. Don’t do your bills there for instance.
Journaling used in the way that I suggest is a powerful entry into what is hidden, into the unknown.
Writing by hand is strongly suggested as the hand is more connected to the unconscious than a computer. Whatever your preference, writing is the most important thing.
Do not to get hung up on how to do the writing. Some people believe that in order to write they have to have a special journal, a special time write a certain number of pages etc.; however no “specialness” is required. except for place maybe, see above. The purpose of journaling in this manner is to bring attention and create a safe space for the unknown to come into our awareness. Good spelling is not necessary; neither is crossing t’s or dotting i’s. Start with a stream of consciousness, or your story about what seems to be holding you back asking your unconscious to reveal to you what is hidden; just write to prime the pump so to speak.
Get into a relaxed state before you journal. Why is this important? Because...
Read More... Blessings,
Laura B. Young
Psychotherapist at Life Resource Center Helping Women Reclaim Their Feminine Power, available for in-person sessions in the Montgomery, Alabama area and by phone. With over 30 years of experience as a trained Professional Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, LMFT. and Clinical Hypnotherapist, CCH. I have authored several Self-Help Books, Workbooks, and Audios. My core message is that the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. After that, your relationships with others can be more meaningful and loving.
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