April Fool? Not.
Catherine Jewell, Career Coach
Boost Your Salary and Find a Job Faster! | LinkedIn Career Expert | Target Job Identification | Resumes | Interview Prep | Executive Networking | Salary Negotiations | Author of Empowered Networking
On April Fool’s Day, 27 Years ago, I left my hometown of Des Moines, Iowa with nothing but a car, a computer, and a load of clothes.? Armed with the courage to chase my dreams, I arrived knowing just 3 people in the entire town. Yet, within a year, I had connected with nearly 3,000 individuals.
Reflecting on that whirlwind of frenetic networking now, it seems almost silly, but I believe Austin feels like home because of the people I met. And keep meeting every day.
To every one of you who has been a part of my journey, I am deeply grateful. Your presence in my life has affirmed the value of my life’s purpose and made every endeavor worthwhile.
If you are currently facing daunting challenges, here are some insights gleaned from my own fool-hearty move to Silicon Hills:
1. Avoid over-planning: While it's essential to have a roadmap, don't fall into the trap of believing that every detail must be meticulously planned. Life has a funny way of surprising us, often leading us to unexpected opportunities that are even better than we hoped. My dream of training professional speakers morphed into corporate training, and then career coaching.
2. Conquer your fears: Fear can be paralyzing, but it doesn't have to dictate your path. Whether through meditation, prayer, or the unwavering support of loved ones, find ways to confront yourself and set aside your fears. Remember, even the worst-case scenario often isn't as dire as we imagine. Everyone reading this email still has a roof over their head, air conditioning, and food on the table. Calm yourself and put your challenges into perspective.
3. Trust in the process: Maybe you, too, had an elderly relative who said, "It all works out in the end." Here’s a way to trust this: If things haven't worked out, it simply means the story isn't over yet. Maintain faith that, in due time, everything will fall into place.
4. Practice gratitude: Even in the worst of challenges, cultivate gratitude for every small victory along the way. Whether it's a meaningful conversation with a recruiter, a networking coffee meeting, or discovering the perfect job opportunity online, each step forward is worthy of celebration.
5. Embrace Love: The Beatles were onto something when they wrote, "All you need is love." Infuse love into everything you do – in your work, in your cover letters, in your entrepreneurial ventures, and your interactions with those who support you. Love has a remarkable power to propel you towards your goals with greater speed and purpose.
As you navigate your own path, remember that you are no fool. You are wise beyond measure. You have the choice to embrace life's challenges with courage, resilience, and above all, love.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Catherine Jewell
The Career Passion? Coach
PS: Need a little encouragement? Why not sign up for a complimentary Career Strategy Session? We’ll talk about your hopes, fears, and challenges. I promise to help lift your spirits. Job seeking is WAY too scary to do alone.
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Trainer | Employment Coach | Motivator | Speaker | Fanatically focused on helping people survive career transition and land jobs.
11 个月You are a wonderful philosopher. Thank you for sharing your insights and wisdom.