April: Did you know GPT4 is as smart as a squirrel?

April: Did you know GPT4 is as smart as a squirrel?

GPT4 is rumoured to have about one-trillion synapses. That’s the same amount as an Eastern gray squirrel and a huge jump from its predecessor GPT3 which had 175 billion (a hedgehog). Seemingly, by 2030, GPT may have as many synapses as a human brain (~120 trillion) -- if only we can figure out how to train it.

So, this month it’s no surprise that we’re still exploring the rapid advancement of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, is opening new possibilities and concerns for business leaders.

  • Ben Wodecki shared how even Congress uses ChatGPT to summarize content.
  • Key VisionAIres analyst Bradley Shimmin geared up for a live stream on where the market is headed in the near and long term.
  • And VisionAIres member Dr Ritesh Jain weighed in on the copyright debated. “Much debate has been on using copyrighted material in training AI models and how to strike a balance between innovation and protecting intellectual property rights. A sensible middle path can be achieved through transparency. Instead of outright banning copyrighted material in training generative AI models, we can require transparency in such use.” Read his full post here.

Whilst the discussion will continue to rage in the VisionAIres forum, the roundtable agenda will be moving away from generative AI next month and exploring how AI can be used to modernize contact centres.

If you could benefit from peer-to-peer exploration of this year's developments and modern methods to eliminate wasteful processes, reach out to Angja Kanotra



