April 3 -DARE TO SHARE- FreeBee
George Simons
Creator and Editor of diversophy?. Consulting, training in IC communication & negotiation
Be free to offer your own FreeBee as a comment!
France: Nouveaux Repères (New Anchors) FREE DOWNLOAD or $40 for a printed copy
Nouveaux Repères (New Anchors) is a social game in which French people and newcomers from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Eritrea, Sudan, etc. make contact, learn to know each other, and resolve potential cultural misunderstandings.
The game's discussion topics present everyday French life, habits and behaviors, as well as those of the players with different countries of origin. It promotes mutual discovery and the awareness of differences and connecting points. The objective of the game is to discuss these mutually enriching differences and to promote a successful inclusion into French society.
The topics to be explored are presented on the game cards in three languages, French, English and Arabic, allowing players to participate and share even if they do not fully speak the same languages or if they are currently learning French. Playing the game in small groups, safely encourages players to help each other understand and learn.
Nouveaux Repères? is modeled on the New Horizons diversophy? game successfully developed by JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Finland.
Developed by Grazia Ghellini, Catherine Roignan, Mohammad Antar and Mohamad Al Hacene
Denmark: Nye Forbindelser (Creating Connections) FREE DOWNLOAD or $40 for a printed copy
What if you are a newcomer to the neighborhood and you don’t know anyone? How can you make contact with the locals? And what if you have lived in the same town for years with family and friends, but don’t notice newcomers to the area? Maybe you have something in common? Maybe you can help each other. Maybe you could even have some fun together!
This diversophy migrant game has been created to be played in small towns by a group of Danes and migrants (preferably from different countries). This could for example be at a local shared meal or at meetings of local sports and other clubs.
Developed by Anne Fox and Line Mark Rugholt.
Training materials - free download
Variety of training material free to download