April 2024: Fremco Newsletter
April saw us expanding our team in the US and adding more distributors.
We have been growing our team stateside and forging new partnerships with additional distributors throughout April. It's been a month focused on broadening our reach and strengthening our network, allowing us to better serve our customers across various states.
We welcome two new distributors!
Fremco Fiber Blowing Machines Inc. has officially signed PCS (Power and Communication Sales) and Netceed US as a distributor!
We are very excited to be able to work with two other companies in the US to expand our distribution of Fremco fiber blowing machines ?? and the work is already in process!
Power and communication sales, PCS
PSC is based in Georgia and is a premiere manufacturer’s representative agency serving the SE region since 1974 with a full line of products for network infrastructure construction, testing, and maintenance on copper, fiber, and wireless deployments.
Learn more about PCS: www.pcssales.com
Netceed US
Netceed US provides a comprehensive array of customized products, materials, and solutions, backed by their dedicated team of service delivery professionals. With their expertise and logistics solutions, they serve as a one-stop destination for all your active and passive material needs.
Discover more about Netceed here: https://www.netceed.com/?r=0
Check out our full list of US distributors here: https://fremco-usa.com/fremco-distributors/
Setup time is easy??
Do not let setup slow you down!
Configuration and installation with our machines can be deployed without the use of tools. This makes every fiber blowing job more effective as the machine can quickly be changed to blow different sizes of fiber, cables, and ducts.
With attention to user-friendly design, our machines have a minimum number of loose parts, making it possible to configure the machine in only a few minutes. This makes it possible to reach several fiber blowing jobs per day.
Time saved is productivity gained!
Here you see how quickly the setup of NanoFlow MAX is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsv0Yz0h13Y&t=20s
Fremco Inc.: New employee, Charles
Fremco Inc. (USA) is expanding its team ??
Last month, we extended a warm welcome to Charles Gibson our new technical sales manager at Fremco Fiber Blowing Machines Inc.
Charles lives in Spring, Texas, USA, and brings with him years of experience in the telecom industry. He will collaborate closely with the rest of the team in the US. We are thrilled to have Charles and his expertise on board.
Fun fact about Charles:
Growing up as a child, we used to do a lot of fishing and activities on a boat. One day, we decided to try and catch some baby alligators by hand. A police officer pulled up to watch us out of amusement. He told us that if we get bitten by the alligator, he would be bringing us all to jail. ????
Welcome to the Team, Charles! ??
PicoFlow RAPID is our smallest fiber blowing machine
Did you know that "Pico" means "small" or "tiny" in Spanish?
In the metric system, a "pico" represents one trillionth of a unit, indicating something incredibly small. That's why our PicoFlow RAPID is named "Pico" — it aligns with our other machines, Micro and Nano. The term "pico" embodies a sense of smallness and compactness, and the PicoFlow RAPID stands as the smallest machine in our RAPID series!
But enough about the name - let's delve into more information about our PicoFlow. You can find two new videos of the PicoFlow RAPID on YouTube. The first video, "Unboxing PicoFlow RAPID," showcases the contents inside the PicoFlow RAPID box. Take note of our redesigned quality boxes featuring an illustration on the top, clearly indicating what is inside, along with some additional information.
Additionally, we have a quick guide on how to operate the PicoFlow RAPID. This video will walk you through the essential steps to efficiently utilize the PicoFlow RAPID, ensuring you get the most out of this fiber blowing machine.
Having trouble fiber blowing?
Maximize your fiber blowing distance in five ways
Have you encountered challenges reaching your desired distance during fiber blowing jobs?
Read the whole article, where we explore five methods to maximize the fiber blowing distance.
Here are the five methods described briefly:
1. Clean and lubricate the duct correctly: Sand and dust mixed with lubrication can stall the fiber and cause unnecessary friction. Ensure the duct is clean and dry before sending sponges with the correct lubrication through it. Cleaning and lubricating the duct can improve the blowing distance by 50% or more.
2. Do not fill the duct capacity more than 70%: Maintain plenty of space between the cable and the inside of the duct to facilitate smoother fiber blowing. This setup saves both time and money.
3. Dispense air correctly: Avoid using more air than necessary to prevent running out of air before reaching the planned distance. Gradually increase air pressure by 2 bars when cable speed decreases to ensure efficient project progress.
4. Use the correct compressor: The magic starts when you can maintain a pressure of 10 bars. Select a compressor capable of producing more air than needed and capable of maintaining a constant pressure of 10 bars. Using an inadequate compressor can hinder the fiber blowing job.
5. Use the correct size machine for the chosen cable and duct: Ensure the machine's size matches the cable and duct to secure the fiber effectively. Using an incorrect machine size can result in insufficient power or damage to the fiber. Choose the right machine to maximize time and money efficiency.
Morten and Kevin attended the TCEI EXPO in Belton, Texas.
Morten Ringkj?bing and Kevin Bernard attended the TCEI EXPO in Belton, Texas, along with EBR (Elgin B. Robertson, Inc.) and Georgia Underground Supply last month ??
Last month was fantastic as we proudly presented our fiber blowing machines, enjoying every moment at the TCEI EXPO in Texas.
Again, a big thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth at the trade show! Your enthusiastic interest inspires us to keep pushing the boundaries of fiber blowing technology. Your support means the world to us! ??
Thanks for reading. See you next month for more updates and learning!