- April 2024 Collection -
Point Taken Consulting
We help you become a better communicator - and have fun doing it.
Something to Read:
Is there something on your to-do list that has been there for a while? Now that you’re thinking about it...is it staring you down from your notepad right this second?
About a year ago, I purchased the book, “I didn’t do the thing today” by Madeleine Dore. Honestly, I purchased the book mostly because I loved the title. I, too, didn’t do the thing today and I wanted to hear what an entire book might tell me about how another human, in this case Dore, also didn’t do the thing today.
Something to Hear:
"Flow is the state of being completely immersed and engaged in what you’re doing."
Thinking back to our recommendation of something to read...that lingering task on your list, wouldn’t it be so nice to get into a flow state and finish it!?
David Melnikoff shares the above definition of flow while talking with host Matt Abrahams on the Think Fast, Talk Smart podcast. Melnikoff lets us know what it really means to be in “flow” and how we can utilize this information for the practice of better communication.
Something to Do:
Learn the word absquatulate and others.
Do you know what absquatulate means? ....I didn’t either until it popped up in my email through a daily vocabulary lesson from WordDaily. I don’t know what I signed up for to get this daily lesson, but somehow, this happy little email update found its way to my inbox. I couldn’t be more pleased about it.
And most of my pleasure comes from learning the word, absquatulate, which is a verb meaning “leave abruptly.”
And with that, I am absquatulating.
And now, for a photo of a moment that inspired me this month. Visit www.PointTaken.net to check it out.