April 2023
By the Way - Macro commentary
The outlook for the U.S. economy, and by extension all global economies, remains at best murky. Cogent arguments can, and are, being made for a variety of potential outcomes: recession, deep recession, no recession, soft landing, and just about anything in between. While we can't be sure of the final destination, we can say things are definitely slowing down. First quarter U.S. GDP growth was announced at 5.1%, but when the effects of inflation are removed, ”real” GDP growth was only 1.1%. That compares to a consensus estimate of 1.9% and a 2.6% reading in the 2022 fourth quarter. Estimates for the second quarter are in the range of 0.2%, continuing the trend lower, although still not negative. There is insufficient evidence to make any categorical statements at this time, but such slow growth combined with high inflation is the very definition of “stagflation” and not a good environment for equities.(continue reading...)
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Mulvihill Capital opens the TSX
Mulvihill Capital Management joined the TMX Group on April 24th to open the market and celebrate the launch of Mulvihill U.S. Health Care Enhanced Yield ETF (TSX:XLVE)