April 2022 Reflections [Newsletter]

April 2022 Reflections [Newsletter]

Marketing tip

Yes, the struggle to create the perfect marketing campaign is real and will engulf your dreams, occupy your mind during the night, and influence your psychological continuity. Just remember, extended periods of marketing planning have 100% of the time resulted in a better night’s sleep. Conclusion, plan, plan, and plan more. Better to be prepared than not.

What I’m reading

The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved

This is Gonzo Journalism at its best. Hunter S. Thompson had a magical way with words and after “living” through this experience in May 1970 at the Kentucky Derby he took pen to paper and elevated his career.

What I’m listening to

Champagne by Andrea Bocelli - Live

Andrea Bocelli arguable has the best male voice of this generation. This song integrates his opera like tendencies with romance and passion and produces a song that is as close to perfect as can be.

Quote I’m pondering

“A work that aspires, however humbly, to the condition of art should carry its justification in every line.” – Joseph Conrad from Art is Long and Life is Short

Product(s) / gadget(s) I'm obsessing over

Le Veil iCigar V6 Intelligent Electronic Cigar Humidifier

I like to enjoy the occasional cigar but because I don’t smoke cigars regularly I have to make sure to keep the ones I have “fresh” until I smoke them. This means keeping them at the optimum temperature and humidity.

Over the years, I’ve struggled to maintain 69-71% humidity in my humidor. I’ve tried wet cedar strips, different humidor humidifiers and solutions, different humidor seasoning techniques, etc. and nothing seemed to work really well.

That’s all changed now with the Le Veil iCigar Intelligent Electronic Cigar Humidifier. This gadget electronically monitors the humidity within my humidor and adds more when needed. It’s also a smart device so I can open up the app on my phone and see the temperature, humidity, 3 day average, current settings, and much more!

What I’m watching

The Batman

In terms of Batman movies, I wasn’t impressed. I enjoyed the story line and I thought John Turturro and Colin Farrell did amazing jobs with their acting. I was unimpressed with Robert Pattison as Batman. Maybe it’s because I hold Michael Keaton as the Goat for this role with Christian Bale coming in as a close second. However, I thought Pattison was worse than Ben Affleck.

What happened to superheroes being something people could aspire to? I want them to be perfect so that we can try to be them. As a kid I was obsessed with Superman. Yes, his physical out of this world gifts, but his kindness, candor, and want to make everyone better. Today, these superheroes are all disturbed and depressed people who seem to never break out of that shell.

Person I’m studying

Hunter S. Thompson

My most recent Manufacturing in the Now Episode

In episode 5 I’m talking about Tesla, their record profits, and whether or not they belong in the same discussion as the “Big 3” of automotive.

Art I’m loving

Christina’s World

I’m fascinated by the background of this story. This painting was done by Andrew Wyeth and its of his neighbor who suffered from some sort of muscular disorder. What was Andrew trying to capture? Could it be romance, could it be pain? Cold it be confusion?

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Something random I’ve learned

MIT in the 70s entered a bunch of variables into a computer and predicted society as we know it would collapse by 2040. Isaac Newton through a bunch of mathematical equations predicted the world would end in 2060.

My most recent podcast episode

A Shot of Business Central and A Beer | Microsoft Initiatives

In this special episode we’re talking about Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience, the updated Microsoft Partner Network, and the Business Central Universal Code Initiative.

What I’m pondering

The effectiveness of portraying influential power.

In the winter of 1985 (I believe) President Reagan met Russian President Gorbachev for the first time. Reagan was around 20 years Gorbachev’s senior (give or take a few years) and wanted to project power but was worried that a younger president wouldn’t be intimidated. So, when Gorbachev got out of the car wearing a top hat and winter coat Reagan hopped down the stairs like a spry young man and greeted him without a jacket in freezing temperatures. Reagan was portraying what I call influential power by showing Gorbachev that I’m younger and stronger than my age so do not take me for granted. ?


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