[Apr'22] Can an Institution Afford to Ignore its Alumni?

[Apr'22] Can an Institution Afford to Ignore its Alumni?

Many say History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce. With Russia invading Ukraine, the early decades of the 21st century replicated the early decades of the 20th century with multiple recessions, pandemics, and war. The Ukraine PM has urged his people to fight promising arms for everyone and we see the nation’s people responding in favor.?

This makes us think, do you have your people from your institution coming for you in times of need? Do you actually have a database of people to call out for aid? Let’s talk about your Alumni Database that can come in handy in many of your institution's activities, be it for showing records or seeking funds/help.

Can an Institution afford to ignore its Alumni?

Many Institutions might be wondering, Alumni are just the past students who paved their success journey from the resources and services that we’ve provided and what could they possibly be useful for, after getting graduated. Well, that’s a very big misconception. Although maintaining relations with Alumni had been a stand-out activity in the past, it has become crucial for the success of Institutions. This brings us to the basic question - Why are Alumni so important and why is it necessary to engage with your Alumni?

I have spoken about the same in my first video clip on Alumni Academy.

Have a look at? “Why should you engage your alumni?” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxC_SZbZCGg

Read my blog on Medium about Batch Captains

We all can’t deny that a good day starts with a good morning tea/coffee. Likewise, A well-maintained and up-to-date alumni database is the first step toward a successfully engaged alumni network. Agreeing to that, you might even ask - “How to create an Alumni Database?”. While there’s no magic solution for this, in our experience of Leveraging the power of Alumni to Institutions and helping them build a database, we took note of some of the most efficient ways of building an Alumni Database, Identifying Batch Captains is one of the best.

Batch Captains are the Alumni that can represent each class. They act as the connecting point between the Institution and the Alumni of their class.?

Learn how to work with them to build your database, read our article on Identifying batch captains here? - https://medium.com/vaave/identifying-batch-captains-b9b686779748

Alumni Leadership Program

We’re coming back with our highly appreciated Alumni Leadership Program (ALP), after having successfully trained 500+ Alumni Officers in the last 4 batches. We are glad to announce our Batch 5 which starts from the 2nd week of May. If you haven’t, please enroll in the unique certification course for alumni officers that unveil secrets on Alumni Engagement.

More Details at: https://13x.app/c/alp.

Hope these Nutgrafs are benefiting you, even if by a tad. Want to share any Alumni stories, do let us know. See you next month with much more insights on Alumni relations.?

Till then, Stay safe!

Paresh Masade - CEO, Vaave



