Apr #Edu resources - part 3

Apr #Edu resources - part 3

Happy Saturday, folks, and welcome to the third edition for April. Everyone is back into the Summer Term routine and has already set the countdown clocks for half term. As always, a big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to contribute to and share my weekly news consolidation.

I always like to share a brief insight into my week, so as usual, here is a quick summary of the last few days alongside my NetSupport activities... I caught up with the lovely folks at Mosaic Schools Learning Trust and Sarah Skinner to talk all things #MAT growth and opportunities on monday, caught up with Matt Jessop , who is always innovating and inventing, I spoke at the ANME - Association of Network Managers in Education Eastern region event held at NetSupport on my Ai toolkit, headed down to London to explore the SITS - The Service Desk & IT Support Show with Matt Jones & Emma Shorrock and met the fab Abid Patel and also unexpectedly met up with Marie-Clare Kelly for a long overdue if brief chat. Yesterday, I caught up with Misbah I. , had a really enjoyable chat with Gavin Hawkins and Sarah Morgan from Naace - The EdTech Association and finally wrapped my week off with a planning meeting for ISTE 2024 with Maggie Layfield ...with lots of less exciting bits in between.

A busy week of learning and supporting in relatively equal measures.

Right, enough of my week's activities; you are here for the news, so let's dive in...


? Top Man Jim Knight shared some great work by Cambridge University Press & Assessment on #Climate Education. Have a read (and watch and listen) from this great resource by Christine Ozden "Climate Change Education for the next generations". Climate education equips young people with the knowledge and skills to understand the complexities of climate change and encourages them to become active participants in tackling this global challenge. Read all of the resources here.

? Last week, I mentioned some of the feedback on the impact of losing #SureStart centres in the UK; for those further afield, they were a place giving help and advice on child and family health, parenting, money, training and employment support. This week, the brilliant Caroline Keep shared her own personal journey and experiences in a hugely open and honest interview for iNews ?? titled "I’m a mother who was given a lifeline by Sure Start – now I’m studying for a PhD". I already had huge respect for her, but now it's gone up another level. Have a read here.

? This article relates to England, but the truth is relevant worldwide: the decline in girls taking (GCSE) Computer Science qualifications. Joysy John MBE wrote an excellent piece about, talking about options restrictions, content relevance and much more. Have a read here.

? Always a topic to draw some healthy conversation #Phonics, certainly enough to keep Ruth Kelly's ears burning. (Read the history here). Anne Knock PhD shared an article from The Conversation UK "Phonics isn’t working - for children’s reading to improve, they need to learn to love?stories", as Anne commented, "A focus on phonics AND a growing a love of reading need to go hand-in-hand: "A 2023 report from the?National Literacy Trust?found that less than half of children aged eight to 18 say they enjoy reading. Enjoyment is at its lowest level since 2005. Part of learning to read should be learning to love books – and enjoyment in reading is linked to higher achievement. If children don’t like reading, how we teach it to them isn’t working". Have a read here and join the discussion.

? I'm a sucker for a good visual poster, so this share on X by Jamie Clark of a poster summarising "Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI), based on Hollingsworth & Ybarra’s great book on the power of the well-crafted, well-taught lesson". You can download the PDF from here, but also take a moment to take a look at this brilliant collection of one-pagers from here.

? Michelle Grainger shared a handy read "Supporting Your Child with Reading at Home: A Parent's Guide", as it explains "Reading is not just a fundamental skill; it's a gateway to a world of knowledge, imagination, and lifelong learning. As parents, you play a pivotal role in nurturing your child's love for reading. This guide aims to provide you with practical tips and resources to support your child's reading journey at home." You can find it here.

? I listened to a really interesting discussion with Matthew X. Joseph Ed.D. and Jeffrey Bradbury on The TeacherCast Educational Network titled "How Can You Move the Needle of Innovation in Your School District?". They discuss "why it’s important not only to have a clear district vision for technology integration but a clear plan for how Instructional Coaches will play a pivotal part in executing that plan". It's from back in January, so a few references to #FETC coming up, a good listen and a new podcast channel to follow as a bonus ;) Dive in here.

Source HolonIQ

? I have long been a fan of Pete Read and the team at Persona Education , who shared this week HolonIQ 's "2024 Global Education Outlook" which is a really interesting read from an education and investor perspective; you can find it here. As Pete commented, "Holistic education is where it's heading –?combining personal development, skills and academic knowledge".

? It was great to see this article from Neil Mosley on the humble #VLE, something that often flies under the radar when discussing #EdTech. Neil's introductory quote in his post was a fairly strong one "EdTech is rife with simplistic & vacuous translations of educational ideas and research into product developments. Without input from (learning and teaching) people who really know their stuff..some new AI-powered features will follow a similar path". Now he is right; the best products are all built on the foundations of good co-production for sure. Anyway, his article from a couple of months ago that I wanted to signpost was "2023 Review: What's the state of the VLE market in UK higher education?" something Neil has been doing for quite a while and this, like previously, is a great read. Moodle Canvas and Blackboard dominated, as expected. Have a full read here.

? Mary Meredith shared an article from IPSEA - Independent Provider of Special Education Advice "The myth of needing a diagnosis before you can get support". As Mary commented "Needs-led’ isn’t an optional approach for the groovy progressives. It underpins the legal system for #SEN. It’s legally mandated and we find it right at the heart of the Warnock Report, published 40 years ago. This is a succinct, myth-busting piece on diagnosis, or ‘medical evidence’" Please have a read here.

? You might have noticed, given my roles the last 20 years, that I am a big advocate of strong #Governance in education. I listened to a great podcast episode from the lovely folks at The Schools & Academies Show chatting with Olivia D Hinds , it's definitely worth tuning in here, and suffice it to say Olivia won't need my Governance Handbook.

? I share quite a few words of wisdom from Mark Steed at Steed Education , and his latest article "Protecting children from the perils of the Smartphone?" is another great resource with useful context, ways to support parents and top tips on parenting the smartphone. Well worth a read or share here.

? One from Lisa Durff PhD spotted on TechBullion on "The Future of Education: How Educational Technology Is Revolutionizing Learning" it's a very pro-EdTech article, and we all accept in practice, it's all about using when appropriate and when it adds value (evidence). The article summarises ..as we move towards a more digital future, it is essential for educators and students alike to embrace these changes and use them as tools for growth. With collaboration between technology and traditional teaching methods, education can become even more effective in preparing our youth for a successful future. Have a look here.

? Matthew Setchell has been a very busy blogger of late and this week he shared an article "I need you to take security seriously." Very timely. It's short and sweet and a plea to whoever you are, and whatever your role, to take cyber security as seriously as you take safeguarding students and colleagues. Have a look here.

? Hamza Aoun shared a handy "English Grammar Interactive App", A handy solution for mastering grammar effortlessly. It features interactive lessons, ace assessments, and educational games. It does include a direct download of the app, I know you will, but make sure you check your school's digital policies ;) Article and download here.

? Ben Dobbs shared an interesting post on unsurprisingly (given his role) structuring Data models. He has drafted an article about it "Education Data Models" which is well worth a look. You can find it here. In parallel, James Weatherill shared a link to his organisation's approach, which you can find on GitHub from here.

? A great share from Caroline Keep on research coming from 英国威尔士斯旺西大学 and Liverpool John Moores University "Autistic graduates 'one of the least likely groups to be in gainful employment" where new research demonstrates that doubling the employment rate for autistic people – currently at roughly half that of neurotypical people – could boost the economy by up to £1.5 billion - have a read here.

? An article by Laura Ascione and the lovely folks at eSchool News "Educators love their #EdTech, but want more training", highlighting research by NetSupport showing that nearly all educators believe #edtech tools enhance learning but want to ensure they're using the tools the right way. Have a read here.

? A familiar person now in my newsletter, with an update from Dr Pooky Knightsmith on her latest resources. Issue 68 of her brilliant newsletter features all sorts of content, including "Why #Autistic People Need Simple Instructions", "How to Keep Everyone Safe using Anger Rules", and "Staff Well-being". For your full #SEND & #SEMH roundup, head over to her newsletter here (and subscribe for future issues).

? A great read from Clara Lin Hawking "Shaping Tomorrow: The Power of Futuristic Thinking in Education" a thought provoking read with a constant eye to the future. Take a look here.

? I also enjoyed this article from John Woodberry , which started off, "Rewards kill curiosity - Most students lose their love of learning". It's a really good read, summarising 7 facts about curiosity. #Curious? Take a look here.

? Spilt for choice this week on great reads, but someone I have known for many years and a very trusted voice on all things #Governance, shared a great read this week, George Hayes wrote about recruitment and retention challenges but with a particular focus on the challenges looking for Deputy Heads in schools. Dive in here.

? Really useful Resources and Community reminders here. Do you follow HeadteacherChat from Jonathan C. & Lucy Coy ? They have a brilliant community you can follow as well as some of the best resources, planners and templates you will find. Not a paid promotion, just a genuine recommendation and lovely folks to boot. Take a look at their website here.

? Bonnie Nieves shared that she had gotten many valuable resources and insights from the Core Collaborative Learning Network that have helped shape the way I think about teaching, learning, and assessment. This is their newsletter that you might want to subscribe to. I have ;)

? Another #AertsAlerts from the fab Carla Aerts sharing an article from EdSurge "It’s Time to Ditch the Idea of Edtech Disruption. But What Comes Next?" Carla comments "Still considering EdTech as something as a separate to the learner and the learning processes. Perhaps the time for fusion thinking has arrived. Research, disruption and adoption impact all deserve a different lens". Have a read here.

? I mentioned last week that the folks at Bett Global have launched a new newsletter, which you will likely want to get on your mailing list ( Duncan Verry and the team have some really exciting plans moving forward). So here is a reminder, to get a regular copy of the new Bett Buzz, just use this link.

? Don't forget the excellent FREE education magazine RISE, edited by Kat Cauchi . Issue 8 is now available for you to peruse and is absolutely one to subscribe to for a regular dose of unique articles from educators around the globe. You can find it here. Topics include #Ai, #SEND, #SEL, change, #Ofsted, observations, play, belonging, social action and #EdTech.


? The team at Woodland Academy Trust have a brilliant new event coming up on September 3rd, their "AImpowerEd Conference", an event where they will explore how #AI is playing a pivotal role in the ever-changing education landscape from integration in Early Years through to how leadership teams can embrace AI to maximise outcomes. Declaration: I will be speaking there, but based on the other speakers coming, I suspect I'll be doing more learning than sharing. Features Georgina D. , Gemma Gwilliam , Daren White , Mark Anderson FCCT , Adam Webster , Dr Fiona Aubrey-Smith , Lyndsey Stuttard M.Ed , Faye Ellis , Christina Tueje, CIPP/E , Donald Clark and more. Get yourself booked asap from here.

? The lovely folks at Bromcom (and yes, we do use them in our Trust) have their annual "Shard 2024: MAT & LA event" on the 12th June at.....well the Shard of course ;) It's one to get on your radar, not least I'll be speaking there :) have a look here.

? This one is going to be a cracker, Olly Lewis , Dave Leonard and Mark Anderson FCCT will be hosting a free online session on "Making the most of your #EdTech budget" next week on the 25th April. You can book a seat free here.

? Just another reminder for everyone about the Edufuturists . They are some of my favourite folks and have their big annual #Uprising2024 on the 11th July in Leeds. It's always a brilliant event, you can find out more here and get booked, but the extra good news is that I have two free tickets courtesy of my fab NetSupport team who once again are sponsoring the event. All you need to do is message me with why you ? the Edufutrists and i'll pick the best two.

? Have you got your June diary booked already to meet Richard Culatta and the fab folks from ISTE for #ISTELive2024 in Denver? I'll be wearing a few hats for this one, but I am really looking forward to coming and joining the conversation. Get your ticket from here.

? Hamza Aoun shared an upcoming event "?????????????????????? ?????????????? ???? ???? ????????????: ?????????? ?????????????? ????????????????????" on the 17th May at 5.30pm (Dubai Time). It sounds like a great online session to join, you can find out more and register here.

? Another Webinar for you, one that Clara Lin Hawking kindly reminded me of, shared by Fengchun Miao for UNESCO is their "Digital and AI competencies for teachers and school students for Arab States" is happening on Monday next week. You can find the Zoom links here ( 8.30 am GMT on Monday and Tuesday mornings).

?Check out these free upcoming webinars from the team at NetSupport and secure your spot today.?

? Another #NotToMiss event coming up is "Ai Unwrapped: Benefits & Challenges of Ai in Education" which is being organised by the brilliant Laura Knight ? for Keynote Educational on Friday 28th June. It has a great list of speakers and personal friends including Bukky Yusuf , Gary Henderson , Dale Bassett , Rachel Evans and Dina Foster . You can find out more about the event and programme from this link. Worth checking out.


? This one remains top of my #Ai section, an excellent newsletter "Perpelexing Tech" ??that covers the world of #Ai through a wider lens. It is also written by my daughter Niamh Kingsley a product innovation and #Ai specialist in FinTech. Please take a look and subscribe here ?

? A great read from Chris Goodall on "#Ai in the Classroom - The AI Layer Cake", as Chris explains "When we talk about the AI divide, we tend to focus on the cause that is most obvious and easy to see which is access to devices and connectivity. (The icing surrounding the cake) . However, there are many more layers inside this issue that are less obvious. The issue needs slicing into to reveal many other factors that may cause a widening of the AI gap." Great read and supporting booklet which you can find here.

? One for the proper #Ai enthusiasts, Darren Coxon is a goldmine of information and always shares innovation news, this week he shared about RAG 2.0 (retrieval-augmented generation), which offers a much more cohesive approach over the previous "stitch together" approach. You won't be surprised he can explain this way better than me, but it's really interesting no matter what your AI level. Dive in here.

? A great article that Clara Lin Hawking shared with me by Kip Glazer . Her article is on Education Week "No, AI Detection Won’t Solve Cheating" and after so many black and white positions shared in recent months, it was really refreshing to see a sensible and pragmatic approach with some actionable steps to set you on your way. Definitely one to read and share from here.

? I suppose I could have put this in my books section as well, but this post by Jessica L. Parker, Ed.D. was very timely. She reflects on "Transparency in academic writing with GenAi" linked to a recent and new requirement from one journal, which requires a disclosure statement for any use of AI in the development of a manuscript. Have a read of Jessica's post here and join the ocnversation. Personally, I think it's good to signpost where used and in what context.

  • I didn't use any #Ai in the writing of this newsletter, but I used quite a bit for the imagery ;)

? Superstar Amanda Bickerstaff shared a handy post "If you are looking for an exemplar to help your organization get started in building GenAI guidelines, you can't find much better than Park Hill School District AI Literacy and Guidelines." A very handy read you can find here, and the image above links to the source PDF.

? Following on from the post above, the fab folks at AI for Education have a very helpful "Guide to Developing an AI Policy For Your School" which you can find here.

? We are always looking for responsible #Ai, within the context of creation, curation and application. Brett Salakas is not only a genuinely lovely chap but also a great voice on this topic. This week he shared an article from 英特尔 on "how it is Refining its Approach to Responsibe AI.". I really hope it's written based genuinely with intent and not optics. Take a look here.

? I could include Dan Fitzpatrick multiple times in every episode, and in truth it's just easier to say, make sure you sign up to his sunday newsletter, called, not surprisingly, "The Sunday AI Educator newsletter." In last week's edition, Dan shared his initial thoughts on how #Ai might transform what John Gatto called the 7 lessons of schooling. You can find this and heaps more resources from here.

** And big respect to Dan; ever since I have known him, he has always gone the extra mile with design concepts around his work; his resources are amazingly accessible and some of the best visually I have seen.

? I always value shares from Tony Parkin , this time, an article from the The Hechinger Report "How AI could transform the way schools test kids" alongside a quote that '#Ai is going to eat assessments for breakfast' and also noting that PISA expects to integrate #Ai into the design of its 2029 test. Take a look here.

? How could i not stop and read an offer like this from Gabriel Carrillo "If you're looking for digital portfolio tips, free donuts, ways to use AI, or a bangin' Chimichurri recipe, I've got you covered!" - in practice, it's an excellent newsletter that features #Edtech and #Food - genius :) Take a peek here.

? A great share from Grace Kelly on a series of collaborative webinars that feature best practice, innovative practice, and key-learnings from taking risks. You can find all the details and some YouTube links from her post here.

? Fancy diving into #Conspiracy Theories? Well, Dr Will Van Reyk shared a really interesting read from New Scientist on how "Chatbots can persuade conspiracy theorists their view might be wrong" suggesting that after a short conversation with an artificial intelligence, people’s belief in a conspiracy theory dropped by about 20 per cent. Sounds promising, so have a read here.

? You "may" have noticed that I love dabbling with #Ai Image creation tools. I'm a big fan of Midjourney but I seem to be using DALL-E Open Ai more and more. Well, I spotted this great resource from Tianyu Xu , the "????????-?? ??????-????-?????? ????????????????", 138 pages of tips and templates. So, if you are interested, take a look here.

? Matthew Wemyss shared a quick demo on how to use generative AI to make differentiation for #SEND students easier. In the video, you'll see strategies for tailoring instruction to support individual student needs. Have a watch here.

? Lovely chap Ben Whitaker wrote a piece for FE News highlighting “For blockchain’s potential to be fully realised in the UK’s FE sector, supportive policy and regulatory frameworks are essential.” You can read the article "From Centralisation to Empowerment: The Blockchain Revolution in UK Further Education" from this link.

? Pat Yongpradit shared that the Mississippi Department of Education is the ninth state to publish AI guidance for schools. You can find a PDF copy here, and it's a really good read (and format).


? Don't forget you can find all of the books I cover on my Amazon bookshelf, You can find my curated list here.

? You should definitely check out "What's their Why? Exploring motivation and engagement in learning" by the lovely chap Daren White , it's a really accessible and handy guide. Take a look here.

? A great share this week from Cristóbal Cobo "Embracing Chatbots in Higher Education" by Alexander M. Sidorkin. As Cristobal explains "This book explores the integration of AI-powered chatbots tools such as ChatGPT into higher education for instructional and communication purposes. The author emphasizes the responsibility of higher education institutions to equip students with advanced skills for writing with AI assistance, and prepare them for an increasingly AI-driven world.". It's published by the fab folks at Routledge Taylor & Francis Group and you can grab it from here.

? A great one to share is "SEND - Strategies for the Primary Years" by Georgina Durrant which is now available for pre-order. Based on Georgina's previous books, this is bound to be essential reading. You can order here.

? Steven Hope has shared some great recommendations recently, and this week he shared "Collective Genius" by Linda Hill . Steven said "it's a groundbreaking exploration of the power of teamwork and innovation. Based on extensive research and real-world case studies, Her work provides a strong argument for the importance of creating a collaborative and innovative work environment." You can find it here, but also might want to join Steven's virtual "reading group" to share ideas and thoughts when reading from here.

? A handy share from the fab Monica Burns, Ed.D who has a new and free ebook"10 Ways School Leaders Can Use AI Tomorrow", all her content is excellent, so grab a download from here.

Lovely feedback after my visit to Compass MAT

? Another great share from the Ideas Guy Ben Whitaker with "Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect" by Will Guidara one to add to your reading list from here.

? A great book to add to the list is "Chart A New Course: Teaching Essential Skills for Tomorrow's World" by Dr. Rachelle Dené Poth where you can "Discover ways to empower students to build confidence in sharing their learning, becoming more responsible digital citizens and evolving into classroom creators". Grab a copy here.

? If you fancy an easy read on #EdTech and the evolution of Educational Technology, then you might well enjoy ?? "My Secret #Edtech Diary" based on my 30 years of experience. It's not meant to be a technical overload, but very much a narrative as if we sat down in a coffee shop and talked it through together. You can find it here.


Let's wrap up with my weekly Candle Club. Hopefully, you will know what this section is for, built on the message that "a Candle never Loses any of its Light while Lighting up another candle" - it costs nothing to help support and highlight others in our space. ???So this week, it's some of the folks I learn from regularly .... Dr. Rachelle Dené Poth Amanda Bickerstaff Jaime Donally Thomas Lange Victoria Davis Emma Rogers Carla Aerts Barbara Anna Zielonka Tony Parkin Bob Harrison Darren Coxon Jason Gulya Matthew Wemyss Dan Fitzpatrick Nic Ponsford FRSA FIESE ?? Emma Darcy Mark Steed Lucy Coy Jonathan C. Laurie Forcier

Ok, best I wrap up this week's summary of news. A big thanks to all of you whom I was able to "cherry pick" into another edition. Please don't forget to give this edition a share ;) ????

Have a lovely weekend, share the love and I'll see you again soon.


Yes, I always like to get involved, talk at events, and share love.

You can book me to come and cause some fun and disruption at your event via Katie Cavill and The Learning Line via this link. Please also reflect on the diversity and representation of your speakers and panels at your events when reaching out.

??2023 EduFuturist of the Year

??2023 Outstanding Achievement winner - Educational Resources Awards (ERA) Awards

??2023 Inspiring Leader winner - British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) Awards

?? 2023 Education CEO winner - EdTech Chronicle.

Rachel Evans

Director of Digital Transformation at GDST

11 个月

Thanks for the mention Al ?? - really looking forward to the Keynote Educational conference in June with Laura Knight and colleagues!

Gabriel Carrillo

Instructional Technology Specialist, Consultant, Podcaster, Content Creator

11 个月

Thanks Al Kingsley ! Glad you enjoyed the newsletter. I’ve got more coming soon so stay tuned! See you ISTE !

Bonnie Nieves

Authentic learning for every student | STEM Education Innovator | AI-Enhanced Teaching | Professional Learning | Curriculum Design | Learning Experience Design |??| Grammarly Ambassador

11 个月

Massively helpful as usual, Al. Thank you ??

Al Kingsley Sounds like another exciting week ahead! I love how you blend education with technology, resources, and fun. It's like a perfect recipe for growth and enjoyment. What's your favorite part of putting together these weekly doses of Edu goodness?

Dan Fitzpatrick

The AI Educator. Infinite Education Bestselling Author. Forbes Contributor. Helping Leaders Navigate The Future Of Education.

11 个月

Thanks Al ?? Great read as always


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