'Appy Ale-O-Ween

'Appy Ale-O-Ween

October is here, and we're counting down to Halloween!


What better way to get into the Halloween spirit than with… a Halloween spirit. Optional ghosts and ghouls, obligatory liquid spirits!


Enter Pumpkin Potion by @GravityDrinks—the tropical fruit punch that not only mimics a Jack O' Lantern but literally lights up the night! Perfect for sipping while carving pumpkins or sneaking that extra Fun Size Mars Bar?.

@gravitydrinks - we love your Pumpkin Potion

Speaking of pumpkins, did you know that carving jack-o-lanterns dates back to the 18th century? Legend has it that a clever trickster called Stingy Jack trapped the Devil in a tree by carving crosses into the bark. When Jack?died, Heaven didn’t want him and the Devil was still angry about the tree thing so he couldn't get into Hell either. He was cursed to wander the earth with nothing but a hollowed-out turnip and a burning ember to light his way.


Turnips have had an upgrade to pumpkins, and thanks to John P. Bardeen, who filed several patents in the 1980's inventing the modern Pumpkin Carving Kit, we have all the right tools to bring those spooky faces to life!


His kits include everything from drill elements to pattern sheets, making the job a lot easier (and safer) than it was for Jack.


The little serrated knife and broad scooped spoon will be familiar to everyone with small children:



Now, carving is practically an art form and we'd love to see your perfectly crafted jack-o-lanterns, drop us a photo in the comments below. Here is the Pints (& Patents) entry!

We know it's pumpkin - but it still looks like carrot

Happy Halloween! ????



