Casino Marketing: ChatBots and why you need one.
Andrew Cardno
CEO @ GCT and Founder. CTO @ QCI and Founder, Investor, Author of 12 books, Keynote Speaker, Double Smithsonian Laurette Winner, G&L Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient
Authors' Note: In the fourth of a 12 article series themed on where the money is now for “smart” casinos, we debate the promise and peril of casino-produced mobile apps and a potential solution in the form of chatbots. Please note these articles are meant to stimulate thought and that we are using some deliberately provocative metaphors which should be taken with a grain of salt.
Dr Thomas and I co-authored this article:, Following is a shortened version.
According to a recent report from Pew Research Center, nearly two-thirds of Americans are now smartphone owners, and for many these devices are a key entry point to the online world.
This number is up from 35 percent from 2011 and represents a remarkable adoption rate in the space of five years. What is even more interesting is that the usage is concentrated in younger users; we can only expect this number to gradually increase to the day where virtually everybody has a smartphone.
So, what are people doing with these incredible devices? Pew Research shows that nearly 90 percent of people use the iPhone for e-mail; and nearly as many have a smartphone in order to access social media.
Surprisingly, what they are evidently not using the phones for are mobile apps. In fact, nearly 80 percent of mobile apps are abandoned after their first use according to a study by SAP. So, after spending tens of thousands of dollars carefully planning apps for customers, research shows that four out of five of the people who download it will use it only once before deleting it. This phenomenon is going by the name of app fatigue.
For the full article refer to: