Approaching 2018 with confidence
Ken Morrison
CEO, Bradfield Development Authority | Chair, Metropolitan Memorial Parks | Chair, Advanced Manufacturing Readiness Facility
2017 is passing before our eyes.
Another year of surprises and twists and turns is coming to an end – and for most of us, we are in good shape.
Construction might be just off its peak, but demand is still strong.
Australians are creating 1,000 new jobs a day and interest rates continue to be at record lows, giving hope in the face of low wages growth and soft consumer spending.
So we approach 2018 with confidence that the industry will continue to create jobs for Australians and build communities that are stronger and closer.
In the midst of this, yesterday’s Cabinet reshuffle saw responsibility for cities moved to urban infrastructure minister Paul Fletcher. Minister Fletcher has been intimately involved in the development of the Western Sydney City Deal and is eminently capable of advancing these two agendas. There are a lot of synergies in bringing cities and transport together.
However, this urban portfolio still sits outside of the Cabinet while both the senior infrastructure portfolio (now held by Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce) and newly appointed regional infrastructure minister are Cabinet positions. With cities shaping so much of Australia’s economic trajectory, it is vital that these arrangements don’t result in a move away from the focus on urban infrastructure investment signalled in the May Budget.
As we approach the end of 2017, I want to express my thanks to everyone who helped make this year a success for us.
Members are at the heart of the Property Council and so much of what we do is the result of the hard work and support of our members.
Over 1,600 people participate on our Board, Division Councils and Committees and along with our sponsors they help make our advocacy, events and public presence meaningful and effective. We are grateful for your support.
Like most workplaces, the Property Council is closing for the Christmas to New Year break. We re-open with a skeleton staff on 2 January and will be back at full strength by mid-January. The next issue of Property Australia will be out on 17 January, 2018.
From the Board and staff of the Property Council, I thank you for your participation in 2017. I hope your break is restful and enjoyable and that 2018 is a great year for you and yours.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Read more in Property Australia.