Approach Your Life With Enthusiasm

Approach Your Life With Enthusiasm

It was the great American writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson who said that, “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” I firmly believe in the inherent wisdom of this important message, and it governs how I live my personal and professional lives. I seek to live each day with a zest and vigor that embrace both the challenges, as well as the opportunities, that life presents to us.

I have always believed that life must be embraced with a high degree of passion, for each new day is a gift, and we must use that gift to the utmost. A dear friend of mine once told me that “Our lives our God’s gift to us, and what we do with our lives is our gift to God.” I encourage people that I speak to, coach, or consult with, to “do what you love and to love what you do.” 

If you truly love the work that you do, and you are mindful of engaging in hobbies and other pursuits that bring out the best in you, you will find a greater level of joy and contentment. Have you ever lost track of time working on something that you were passionate about? I am quite sure that you have, as have I, and these times are reflective of when we are living our passion and engaging in an activity with pure enthusiasm.

I hope that you will seek out people in your life that will celebrate your passions and encourage your goals and dreams. Find mentors that you can learn from and emulate that will model success and achievement for you. These mentors and role models can also challenge you and inspire you to be your level best and to keep your engines revved up and ready to roll.

The Ancient Greeks believed that enthusiasm meant inspiration or divine influence. We all need enthusiasm in our lives to drive us forward to the next level of achievement, or to keep us engaged and committed when we hit an obstacle or a roadblock in our path forward. I challenge you to find your purpose in life. What is it that drives your enthusiasm? Recognize the fact that energy and enthusiasm are catchy – so surround yourself with positive people who are also motivated, enthusiastic and achievement-oriented. We are the company that we keep.

Live a life of great passion and high enthusiasm! Reach for high goals and have the courage and motivation to do the work to make your dreams and goals realities. Your attitude and your aptitude will determine your altitude, my friends.

Remember to do what you love and to love what you do. Life is too short to live any other way. It was the great Chinese philosopher Confucius who wrote, “Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.”

I wish you great enthusiasm, high passion, and massive success. As always, remember to lead with purpose!


Acquinn Phillip

Member Services Specialist at Sam's Club

6 年

I agree with having enthusiasm and passion will make your life and others around you happier. Andrew Ortiz love it


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