Debarpita Pande
Capital Markets Lawyer, Trilegal (SEBI Grade A qualified, 2022 & 2023)
You must have heard about people who are winning Mediation Competitions. If you are following the Facebook pages of different law schools then your notification panel must be flooded with posts congratulating the winners of various Mediation Competitions and one of the prestigious ones being ICC (International) Mediation Competition.
Have you ever wondered that how do they win it? What is the strategy? Leave aside winning; sometimes it is confusing for me to figure out the right way of participating in it. It’s absolutely not so simple and straightforward like mooting but obviously a lot less laborious. It is all about soft skills, thinking on your feet and of course creativity and novelty.
Today, I will try to discuss the preparation checklist for a mediation competition, what to expect in that and what hurdles you might come across while preparing for it.
· What is mediation?
It is a very common method of Alternative Dispute Resolution where two parties settle their matter outside Court with the help of their individual Counsels and facilitated by a neutral third party called the mediator.
· What is the setup and team composition?
A mediation team is mostly a two member team i.e. a client and a counsel (mostly, but it depends on the problem). The client is the one involved in the dispute and the counsel makes the dispute settlement process legally sound. Along with that, there is one mediator.
Mediation is just negotiation with the other party so that you reach a settlement beneficial for both the parties (win-win situation). From a competition perspective, the client is the one who is involved in active negotiation with the other party because it is ultimately his interest, which is negotiated upon.
Let us take an example, suppose you bought a pen from a shop and it is found out that it was defective. You went to the shopkeeper and he refused to replace it and neither he was willing to refund the amount you paid. Therefore, you mutually decide to sit for a negotiation session with the help of a mediator. The clients here will negotiate based on their interests and the counsel will make this procedure cooperative.
· Role division of the Client, the Counsel and the Mediator
Let us discuss the role of the client in the competition in detail. In the above example, as the purchaser you need to find out the underlying interest for which you opted for mediation. Like, for a 50 Rs. Pen you will not prefer to pay Rs. 500 as lawyer’s fee and Rs. 100 Court fees. So, for you it is beneficial to negotiate and settle the matter with maximum gain. Whereas the seller on the other side will not want to get himself involved in consumer law dispute and also does not want to loose the faith of a customer. To break this deadlock, you devise some innovative ways to come to a settlement. For instance, being a shopkeeper you might come up with an idea to give a certain amount of discount in further purchases so that it balances your both the interests i.e. retaining the faith of the customer as well as avoiding the court mess. Remember, put forth offers which balance your interests. Never be too generous nor be too miser. Never get stuck to a stance. Always appear to be flexible. For this, Judges may award you some brownie points.
By now, you must be wondering that if client is doing the entire job then what role does the counsel play? To answer this, I will take help of the above example. In the negotiation between the buyer and the seller, the counsel will provide general information to aid the client about the risks and benefits of the proposals he is putting on the negotiation table. They indeed make their clients realise and balance the risks of accepting or rejecting settlement offers. The counsel is involved in technicalities of the problem whereas the client deals with the factual scenario of the problem. Remember the golden rule of mediation is that you should not in any manner interrupt each other. That will surely give the judges a negative impression. The judges tend to give you more marks if there is proper coordination among the team members.
Now, let us come to the mediator. A mediator here will calm the situation down between the parties. He will facilitate the settlement process. He will not pass any judgment or suggestion rather he will just facilitate free flow of conversation and settlement between the parties. Sounds confusing? Let us understand this with the illustration above. In the above example, the mediator will summarise the proposals tabled by the parties, the proposals accepted and rejected so that there is clear clarity among the parties about the next step.
The mediator can call for a caucus to facilitate the process. Now, what is caucus? It is nothing but a clear conversation between one of the parties and the mediator. When there is a deadlock or some serious impediment in the settlement, the mediator may call for a caucus. Here when the mediator talks to one party, the other party stays out of the room. Remember, that it is on the parties that whether to accept the proposal of caucus or not. He can call for a cross caucus too. In a cross caucus the mediator talks to only one member of both the parties for eg. say either client of both the parties or counsels of both the parties.
As a client and counsel, please try to involve the mediator as much as possible. Whenever, you make a new offer please address the mediator and draw his attention to your proposal or acceptance of a proposal.
By now, we got a rough picture about the roles played by the clients, counsels and mediators. Moving forward let me give a basic idea of what to expect in a mediation competition.
Most of the competitions release their mediation problem around a week before the actual date of competition. Immediately a question comes to your mind that what is this problem all about! To address that allow me to take help of another hypothetical situation. The problem will definitely involve two parties and a dispute between them, which they expect you to solve. Suppose, the problem is that a couple wants divorce on the basis that the wife is involved in excessive social networking and the husband on the other hand hardly gives any personal attention to his wife. The Court has asked them to go for mediation.
In this problem setup, before going to the competition you will not know about which side you are going to represent. That you will get to know an hour before the competition starts (approx.). Hence, just like mooting, you need to do your homework for both the sides. For the sake of brevity, I will explain it from one side only, say the wife’s side. As a wife, you might ask for a movie night and a dinner every weekend so that your husband spends some quality time with you and as a concession from your side, you will refrain from using social media for the time period when both the husband and wife are together. Here you are balancing your stance by demanding one aspect and foregoing the other. This will show your interest to negotiate and flexibility.
Some competitions might ask to submit a mediation plan before the actual competition and needless to say that it is also marked upon just like your memorials in a moot. In this mediation plan you need to mention your goals, interest, alternative suggestions which you have thought of and your BATNA. Goal is for what you want to mediate. Here in this problem your goal will be to revive your ties in marriage by an amicable settlement. Your interest as a wife will be to get your husband’s quality time and attention to save your marriage and to avoid the social embarrassment.
Coming to BATNA, it is the acronym for Best Alternative Negotiating Agreement. What is this? It is your last resort to fall back on if the negotiation fails or you can feel that it is not going to reach to a settlement. A sound BATNA makes you more confident. In this case, as a wife your BATNA will be to ask for divorce with alimony. That is if you fail to reach at a settlement through this mediation, then you will go for filing a divorce petition. The counsel will tactfully divulge the BATNA to the other party when it is required.
Wait, It’s not over yet! The best part is still left, the confidential information. This is the game changer! The better you handle the confidential information, the more you will be closer to a good score. You will get this piece of information around 45 minutes before the actual competition begins. This confidential information fills the gaps of information in the problem and along with that gives you some new facts on the basis of which you will have to negotiate. For instance, as a wife suppose you get a confidential information that you are averse to divorce. Now, this destroys your BATNA that you thought of previously. So, you need to develop and modify your BATNA accordingly. The more quickly and innovatively you apply the confidential information in the negotiation, the more you score. Remember, you have to figure out which confidential information to divulge when. Sometimes, it may also happen that you cannot divulge the confidential information but you have to negotiate while keeping that information in mind. As in here for instance, you cannot tell the husband that you are not keen on divorce then he will get an upper hand over you. All you have to do is to put on your thinking caps and come up with best solutions and an effective BATNA for the problem at hand.
In a caucus, mediator might ask for some additional information from you to understand both the parties’ interests better and make the mediation process smooth. Then you have to play it smart there. You will have to divulge some of your confidential information to him depending on the questions he asks. You need to give out appropriate information at appropriate time to get an edge over other teams. This sounds tough and complicated but it is not so. Once, the mediation starts, if you think on your feet and be spontaneous enough, then you can easily figure out when to speak what.
· Inside the Competition room
The real game starts once you are inside the competition room and you face the other party and of course the mediator and the judges! In a competition, there will be the other party sitting opposite to you and the mediator will sit either on your horizontal left or horizontal right. Mostly there will be two mediators from different teams. You will never face the mediator from your own institution.
The session will start by shaking hands with the opposite parties and after that the opening statement of the mediator. The mediator will introduce himself/herself and give his opening statement in which he will brief you about the mediation process. Remember if you participate as a mediator, the most important thing you have to do is to build faith of the parties over the process of mediation. As a mediator you need to take the parties into confidence and also have to make them feel comfortable so that they open up more. This is very important to fetch scores.
When the mediator is done with his opening statement, the requesting party then starts with their opening statement. The opening statement carries a lot of marks and so it is very important to have a strong and affirmative opening statement. The client and the counsel give their individual opening statements. The counsel will first introduce his client and them himself and affirm that they have the full authority to take part in this mediation process and have the power to take decisions. Then the client will start with the opening statement by summarising the facts. As a client it will be better to include and point out the strengths of your problem. A client never speaks on legal aspect in the opening statement. Another important thing to include in your opening statement is that setting the tone of the entire session. It’s very important to sound flexible but certain things you cannot negotiate upon. For instance, it is like you are willing to negotiate on thing x but thing y is something you cannot negotiate upon.
After, the opening statements are over, start with the negotiation. In case you need to communicate with your teammate, pre-decide some gesture by which he understands or else you can write on the paper whatever you want to communicate. Always remember, that it is not mandatory for the parties to reach a 100% settlement.
One last thing but the most important is that please keep a note of time. If the competition organisers allow, do keep a timer on your table. Time management is very important.
I will discuss some very general marking parameters which are broadly followed in any mediation competition. They are:
1. Expressing the interest of the client.
2. Communication skills.
3. Teamwork.
4. Building a cordial relationship.
5. Using the Mediator.
6. Settlement reached.
7. Professional Conduct.
8. Time Management.
Just in case you think, that YouTube is only for all the Movie trailers and Web Series! I shall tell you that there are a number of mediation competition videos on YouTube which you can freely access online. This is one of the first thing you should do to prepare for the competition.
All videos and no theory makes your effort a futile job. The most important thing you should do after watching videos is that grab some theoretical knowledge. Get hold of some Negotiation and Mediation books from the library and start reading them from cover to cover. Trust me, these books are not IPC commentaries, they never exceed 500 pages in total! “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In” by Roger Fisher is a must read.
If you want more edge, there is a Master Negotiator Course offered by The Negotiation Academy which almost covers every aspect of proper and expert negotiation techniques.
Happy Negotiating!!
Year III Student at National Law University, Delhi
1 年Thank you for posting this!
Dua Associates | Saikrishna & Associates | Sophomore
1 年Thank you for writing this, it was very insightful!
Incoming Intern- Insta Tourism | IIM Indore PGP '26 | Advocate | CNLU '23 | Open to Legal & Business Queries
4 年Thanks for writing about it. It will be a great help for preparing.