Approach to bovine genomic selection for animal improvement in Cuba: Challenges and perspectives
Approach to bovine genomic selection for animal improvement in Cuba: Challenges and perspectives
Dervel Felipe Díaz Herrera, Anel Ledesma and Odalys Uffo Reinosa
Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (CENSA), San José de las Lajas, apartado 10, CP 32 700, La Habana, Cuba
Genomic selection changed the dairy cattle breeding and selection schemes. Obtaining genetic values at early ages reduce the generation interval and a significant increase in the annual genetic gain rate. Cuban dairy cattle genetic selection and improvement programs are aimed at increasing the productive potential of native breeds resistant to tropical environment and are based on genetic evaluations considering phenotypic, productive and pedigree records. The objective of this work was to expose the challenges and opportunities of Cuban cattle breeding to implement a dairy cattle genomic selection program. Having a well-established conventional genetic evaluation system, data collection trained personnel and appropriate collaboration between research centers, livestock and insemination companies are strengths to successfully implement genomic selection in Cuba. Genomic studies would contribute to reduce costs and periods to identify and select outstanding individuals in bovine populations, increase the annual genetic gain rate, and allow a better genetic characterization of current dairy herds. The selection of animals to be genotyped, the creation of genotyping laboratories and the use of economically accessible matrices are some of the main challenges to be overcome. Implementing genomic methodology will enhance country's strategic plans to achieve food safety in the production of milk and dairy products.
Key words: dairy cattle, developing countries, genomic selection, genotyping?
Received 25 June 2022; Accepted 22 October 2022; Published 1 December 2022