Apprenticeship Workforce Development Programme
University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC)
Championing higher level vocational learning.
Since 2023, UVAC has been part of a successful collaboration of delivery fully funded by the Department for Education (DfE) to support excellence in apprenticeship delivery by offering an end-to-end programme of FREE continuing professional development (CPD). We are partnered with the Education and Training Foundation (ETF), Association of Colleges (AoC), Association of Employment and Learning Providers ( AELP ) and Strategic Development Network (SDN) ) and between us represent the interests of all types and sizes of provider and other key stakeholders including employers. In fact, UVAC’s involvement complements the other partners’ expertise in working with colleges, independent training providers, employers and key agencies by bringing our authoritative voice on all strategic and operational aspects of higher and degree apprenticeships delivered by universities and higher education institutions.?
UVAC led the development of nine LIVE ONLINE CPD modules intended to be delivered to, and benefit, practitioners working within any apprenticeship provider. The details and purpose are listed here:
UVAC has also curated a number of workshops that are tailored to the specific needs of institutions. Below is a short case study example of recent content for delivery of ‘bespoke tailored’ activity at a university provider:
Two half-day interactive sessions designed to support teaching and learning teams to deliver an effective and high-quality apprenticeship. The sessions focussed on three key areas identified as part of joint discussions:
The AWD programme is fully comprehensive and of very high quality, delivered by leading consultants and practitioner in the field of apprenticeship training, policy, practice and pedagogy. The programme covers the end-to-end apprenticeship journey from leadership and governance, employer engagement, pre/onboarding and induction, to curriculum design, development and redevelopment and end-point assessment (and everything in between), helping to ensure progression and success in apprenticeship outcomes for apprentices, employers and providers of all types and of all sizes.?
Please continue to engage if you have already or consider the benefits for the first time, by checking out the whole range of CPD offered. It truly is exceptional.