Appreciative Inquiry - a performance appraisal with a difference
Performance appraisals - those uncomfortable discussions that insist on some numbers that management cannot do without. Getting the numbers on a spreadsheet becomes the number one deliverable of sessions that should actually be driving the strategy of a business.
Appreciative Inquiry suggests a new way of appraising performance. Appreciative Inquiry helps us focus on what is working and not what is not working. A typical AI performance appraisal will include the following questions - aimed at identifying:
- Greatness and elements that will lead to more thereof
- Achievements
- Being more effective
- Obtaining the resources needed to be more effective
An Appreciative Performance Appraisal Conversation:
Reflect on your job performance over the past year.
How Are You Doing?
1. Considering all of your objectives, what are you proud of, what have you accomplished, and what are you doing that works?
Give yourself credit for every little thing you do that brings you a feeling or demonstration of success, to even the smallest degree, in any work situation.
2. What contributed to those successes? What caused those things to work? What has allowed you to do your best work? (Consider your team leader, team, BU, and BP overall, clients, circumstances, physical situation, and opportunities.)
How have you changed?
3. Think about yourself at the beginning of the year and the person you are today. How have you changed? Again, give yourself credit for every little improvement in your professional competencies or personal effectiveness. What did you do that helped you improve? The activities may have occurred at work, home or in the community.
Becoming even more effective.
4. To make yourself even more effective in the future, what do you want to continue to do, do more of, do better, or do differently?
Of all the items listed and described above, which are the ones you are inspired to act on. (This is where your team leader can help prioritize your objectives.)
5. What support within the company do you require? (Money, time, training, access to subject matter experts and support staff, equipment, materials, etc.) What resources do you require outside the company? This is where your team leader can help in making sure you have what you need to succeed.)
To learn more about Appreciative Inquiry interventions contact: [email protected]