Appreciation Transcends The State of Resistant Thought You Are In

Appreciation Transcends The State of Resistant Thought You Are In

 "That’s why so many of us teach meditation. Because when you stop thought, you stop resistant thought. When you stop resistant thought, then you let it in. That’s why we teach appreciation, because when you’re in appreciation, you are not in the mode of resistance, and you are letting it in."

Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 8/13/01

Our Love

Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Did you realize that the boundaries in your story/illusion are creating resistant thought? When I read this quote above I realized that I had not thought of it in quite those terms.  

That is exactly what happens. How many times has someone suggested to you an idea, or version of your reality of yourself or some challenge you were dealing with that you automatically rejected? That is resistant thought in action. How much have we missed out in life because we were in a reality state of resistant thought, not open to new awareness?

It is what we do, every human individual on this planet. Our minds are constantly reinforcing its projected belief system and it can do it to a punishing degree, whatever the issue is. That is the power of biases and perceptions that make up our story/illusion mindsets. You have a thought, information and experience comes in and you make discernments. At some tipping point it shifts to a judgment and becomes part of your behavior and a story/illusion element. It become closed to new thoughts and interpretations and Mind goes on to the next thing. It has become you. 

Depending on our nature, we can build a lot of energy as part of the bias and become belligerent and righteous in our viewpoints. Ours is the only story/illusion and it is better than yours. 

Our willingness to accept a new premise or another's awareness of our projection comes from a reality state of Openness. One that is fluid based instead of block based. You know, all those times you felt blocked and there you were. You did not know how to deal with your block and it was all consuming and huge. You could not move it. This is a "powerless to make some thing different" reality state you find yourself to be in. 

What to do? 

Recognize what you are feeling and thinking in your self talk. And realizing that is the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. That this is only where you are in the moment of awareness. Now access your inner wisdom, core essence where out of the quiet of no thought, more information will be available. BE present and ask "What is the value in becoming aware of your setup of thought?" How is this moment useful? What is gained by feeling and then being stymied by your concern? What does it feel like for this to be different? New thoughts as awareness are present. 

Once you are open to new information, your willingness to accept it comes into play. And that too maybe takes you to awareness of the pattern. Could be of more resistance, or of voices or experiences in the past that are engaged unknowingly, pushing agendas that have coalized into form. It can reveal your pattern of behavior in new ways and at the same time release and unfold into new patterns.  

Any engagement of potential into energy has its form, pattern, vibrational signature in your story/illusion. Notice i am not using words like weak for softer. Softer is a texture. Stronger/weaker is degrees of resistance.

This is where we are right now collectively. This is what is possible. Remove the resistance to what has happened. It has happened. That is the past. Recalibrate to a reality state of Appreciation. What shifts when you lose your anger of defiance and resistance to your perceived, projected story of illusion? 

Janet Barrett

Life in the Beyond/ Journeys into Enlightenment 

[email protected] 



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