APPRECIATION is valuable in many ways. When we appreciate our circumstances we feel better. When we appreciate someone else (and express it) they feel better.
Today I would like to share a message of appreciation that was shared with me by one of our medical writers:
“I’ve been looking forward to your word of the day each morning, and it has encouraged me to take a step back and purposefully observe, appreciate, and actively experience the joys and challenges of each day.
I have many words I could suggest for a word of the day.
The ones that rise to the top are:
Gratitude, Awe, Respect, Humility –
- for the truly awe-inspiring quality and skill of my co-workers
- for the natural beauty of our immediate surroundings (I take “turtle-counting†breaks instead of coffee breaks)
- for the professional and personal support and camaraderie that is endemic to the DynaMed culture
- for the expectation to challenge myself to increase and enhance my professional and interpersonal skills, knowledge, and abilities, and finally
- for the opportunity and the means to do so
And thank you, Brian, for sharing the draft of your speech yesterday, that highlights how a subtle bias can have enormous, far-reaching effects, and for so clearly illustrating that we must actively maintain high quality standards for evaluating the primary data on which our recommendations are based, regardless of their source or their general acceptance as “standard recommended practice†in the medical community."
As a number of us travel for international conferences we will see the APPRECIATION that many now have for what we do. We should all feel better.