Appreciation to Benevolence
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
A few days ago, I committed to a 119 Day Exploration of Character Intelligence. Since then, I have already shared on Acceptance and Accountability. That said, part of my own practice of same was the realization that a blog a day might be overwhelming for reader and writer alike and that there might be greater value in a single blog of 7 daily virtues for the week, shared daily for exposure and access. So today, I do that sharing on 7 for Sunday through Saturday, May 15 through 21, or whatever week you read this. This week...
Appreciation is the first, and I will especially say that, later this week, I will be adding a link to a Talk Reel conversation with Tammy Joy Guffey that was wonderful, around pre-appreciation, and more. We missed my co-host and wonderful friend Stephanie Staples for that conversation; but in saying so, I am expressing my own Appreciation for "Steph" and her wondrous Helpfulness, Curiosity and Enthusiasm. That said, that conversation will be linked this week to this post. Stay tuned. And that said, I offer here one thought especially around Appreciation as you read and reflect on same. As a business educator, and entrepreneur... it is not lost on me that to depreciate an asset means we lessen its value. To appreciate an asset, we increase its value; something to ponder. With all that in mind and heart, the other Virtues for Monday through Saturday are... Assertiveness, Audacity, Authenticity, Awe, Beauty and Benevolence.
You may take these as daily practices, exploring their respective practice one per day. You may "shop around" the little mall offered here and pick one upon which to focus a week of practice; however you want or not.
That said, if we consider the 5 Strategies of The Virtues Project, as per the Official Site....
... let's look at their application.
Those 5 Strategies
Speak the Language gets us to learning the vocab and meaning of a Virtue. Study it. Question on it. Reflect and imagine on it. Be a student of it. Take any or all Virtues this week and do that.
Recognize Teachable Moments takes that studentry deeper, where you examine your life to date to see where you have practiced said Virtue, or not, and what has been the impact or effect of its practice or absence. This is the experiential learning piece, for me. As I might look back on defining moments in my own life, I can consider the practice or absence of Appreciation, Assertiveness, Audacity, Authenticity, Awe, Beauty and/or Benevolence. This is not an exercise in shame or blame. It is about learning, for growth. It is about observing and exploring impact and effect, and learning from same.
Set Clear Boundaries is about examining whether any of these Virtues might be boundaries for us. Are any of these (as I call them) Guardian Virtues or "line in the sand" deal breakers? Are any of these Hunter Virtues that are called upon to rectify or address a boundary crossing. For example, Assertiveness is a Hunter Virtue for me. Authenticity might be a Guardian Virtue for me as I do not admire the "fake thing" well. But, you might want to consider if any of these are part of your boundaries as "deal breakers" or "rectifiers", if you will.
Honor the Spirit speaks to practicing Honor with our own spirit and that of others. For me, in other words... (a) do these 7 Virtues somehow more deeply speak to who I am... are any of these core Virtues or strength Virtues for me and (b) do I see any of these in others with whom I work, play and serve and do I Honor them for that? We will explore this Strategy more as we go further into this Series, For now, ask yourself (a) do I see these in me in a way I need better acknowledge and Honor and (b) do I see them in others in such a way I need better Honor? What would that practice of Honor look like?
As to Offer Companioning, again we will dig deeper later on with this 5th Strategy. And again for now, let me simply say that, when we are Companioning, it is important to be alert to Virtues we truly see in the other. Think of the people who matter most to you. Think of good and important conversations and interactions that you have with them through trial and triumph alike. Which of these Virtues are strengths you already see in them, so that you can be that effective and wonderful mirror when needed. As noted, we will explore this Strategy further, later.
Yet again and for now, consider any or all of these 7 Virtues for the Week. Which ones are strengths for you? Which ones do you need ever more practice? Which ones demand more study and Understanding?
Which ones constitute greater Clarity on your own boundaries and how to fortify them?
For me, Authenticity is strength, even Audacity. Appreciation, Assertiveness and Awe and Beauty are strong but ever need strengthening. And, while I consider myself generally kind and Caring, I need study more and practice more on Benevolence as strength. Still, this is not about shame, nor blame. It is about growth. As to boundaries... as noted... Authenticity is part of my boundary line, if you will... and Assertiveness (or maybe Audacity) is part of of my addressing the lines crossed. That all very much said, I will leave it there. I will add the Vimeo link for the conversation with Tammy Joy Guffey later this week, once produced. I think you will very much appreciate it. And, in a bit of a closing for now, I feel the need to say that (a) it is all about the study and practice of Virtues as faces, facets and forms of Character (and Character matters in these times and forward) and (b) practice makes permanent. Indeed and in deed, it is part of my own Zealing the Deal. Either way, if we start with Appreciation, we get to Benevolence.... and we can build a future for us all.
I?am an Activant too; an Educator and Entrepreneur by experience, education and?Enthusiasm... with 40 years in leadership training and development, 27 years in business college education and 20 years certified and associated with?The Virtues Project. Additionally certified for 16 years in Temperament Assessment and with a longstanding body of work around Character Leadership, I help advance?conversation, consultation and capacity around?Character,?Purpose?and?Unity...?and?the?global goals. My work in business and education is to help those building a better world at school, work, business and community; locally and globally.?Humans together, strong.... that is?my?meaning... and?the space I can stay forever. To that?just cause, I commit.