Appreciating Employees Every Day of the Year

Appreciating Employees Every Day of the Year

Percona CEO Ann Schlemmer shares her thoughts on Employee Appreciation Day 2024.

The first Friday in March is Employee Appreciation Day in the United States. It is intended to be a day (or week) filled with activities to show your appreciation to staff. And yes, expressions of appreciation are vital to having an engaged team. However, if you only do this once a year, you do not have a culture of appreciation.

It is common knowledge that the team is the company. To do your best work, you must be in an environment where you are set up for success and recognized for your contributions and achievements. At Percona, we strive to recognize our teammates authentically in several ways, big and small. One way is through peer-to-peer shoutouts. These shoutouts are broadcast on a company-wide channel, recognizing those living our values and being awesome. This is open to everyone. It is great to see staff call out their colleagues, often from different departments, and share their appreciation for jobs well done.?

Another benefit we instituted during the pandemic and continue to offer is giving off one Friday per quarter. It is called FryDay. We encourage everyone to find ways to rest & recharge. Some team members can’t take the designated FryDay because they are customer-facing, so they have flexibility on their day off. Their dedication to our awesome customers is something I am always grateful for.?

Finally, we have created a culture of continual improvement. This is something we stress with our people managers. As a people manager, one needs to give timely, consistent feedback. This feedback should encompass more than focusing on areas of improvement. It must be given for actions and work resulting in the desired outcomes. “Good job” does not appropriately reflect what you appreciate and what your team members are doing well. Instead, saying, “I appreciate your attention to detail and effective communication on this project,” is more specific and helpful.?

It comes down to being genuinely grateful for the staff's dedication, professionalism, passion, and engagement. A lot of time is spent at work. Experiencing the appreciation of others for your work is uplifting. I encourage you to be deliberate in showing appreciation to your teammates, not just today, but as a normal part of your interactions.?

To all Perconians, I appreciate you. You are the best in business, and working with you is an honor.?

~ Ann Schlemmer, CEO

Ann joined Percona in 2013 and has held various leadership positions in the Services Organization. Prior to Percona, Ann was part of the MySQL Professional Services team at Sun Microsystems and later Oracle. Before entering the world of Open Source Databases, Ann had a career in retail and commercial banking which included foreign currency trading. Ann has a BS in Finance from Miami University and an MBA from Case Western Reserve’s Weatherhead School of Management. She and her family live in beautiful Hood River, OR.



