Appreciate your Mom and Dad! By, Christian Mc*y Mazze

Appreciate your Mom and Dad! By, Christian Mc*y Mazze

Mom's and Dad's try really hard for their kids, if they don't have much time or money because they're very busy working very hard all day and still find time to buy them a little present on the way home from work! Even if it's only a few dollars that they can afford and just an barbie doll or stuffed teddy bear! They do it out of love and care for their child! Maybe they have to drive off there path to get to the toy store and skip a day of lunch to be able to afford it! But their kids know how hard times are and it's from their Mommy or Daddy which makes them love it even all the more, because it was bought just to show them I love you and didn't forget you! They'll even sleep with it overnight and take it in their backpack to school with them! Daddy will stay up and extra hour talking to them before bed, listening to all their problems, worries and concerns that they hold in and save up all day long, just to tell Daddy at night one on one! He listens, tries to help best he can, then tells them everything will be okay and puts them on his lap to cuddle with before bed, then he tucks them in and reads you a short bedtime story! Daddies take care of you when you sick, Mommies cook you yummy food you'll like, even if it takes them 3 times to find something you like and will actually eat, because parents love you unconditionally no matter what! Their your parents, love them back, listen to them and try to learn what they're trying to teach you for your own good! Try to show them you love them back, they leave you a little note in your lunch box, that says "Remember I love you, you will do great on your math test, I have confidence in you! If you don't feel good you can go to the nurse, if you need me you can call me! I miss you and we will talk about your fun, happy day after you get home from school!" You can write them notes too, that you love, them miss them and thank them for the new toy they bought you! You can also tell them your proud of them too! They would really appreciate that more than you'll ever know if your age 6 or 60! Be kind, helpful at home, try to help Mommy in the Kitchen, Daddy in the yard and help clean up the house everyday, they're old and could use the extra help, they do so much for you! Try hard to be good and throw temper tantrums and try to eat the food your Mom makes and do your homework! Try to enjoy being a kid as long as you can and enjoy having your parents there for you unconditionally! Even if they're very busy working and miss some important after school events, they try their best, but they get tired and their human too! Always hug, them, say I love you, never miss a chance to get picked up, put on their lap and cuddle! This is what parents and kids are all about, I love you! They surprise you with toys, notes, a great meal, fun trips when you least expect it or need it the most! Parents are the most wonderful thing in the world! Never take your parents for granted, if you still have parents, your luckier than you know, thank them too! However old you are, write, call, visit, text, keep in touch always, it's too easy to forget, get too busy, lose touch, get mad and never talk to them again over something unimportant or a great misunderstanding! This is the best advice I can give the world, please appreciate your parents, whatever mistakes they made, they love you, when your good and even when your bad, they like you better when your good though! You're their kid and they were trying hard the best they knew how to teach you and show you in little ways how much they really care about you! Even if you didn't spend much time with them, the time you did spend with them matters, even if they couldn't afford to buy you many toys, they hugged you, gave you nicknames and tried to help you in ways you don't even realize, like talking to your teachers, planning a birthday party for you, cutting back on things they needed just to save up for a new toy that you wanted so much! If your rich, poor, young or old, your parents tried to show they loved you in someway! If your rich and they weren't home much and was at work, they spoiled you with toys, even though you'd rather of had have them home spending quality time with you, they did the best they could! If you were very poor, even them giving you something that was theirs and very important to them, shows love and care! Even if you thought you had bad parents, they don't see it that way, look at all the good they did and how they tried and not the bad! I hope this article helps many people who lost touch with their Mommy and Daddy for not so important reasons as you might think! The one that matters most, they are still alive, visit them, hug them, smile at them and tell them how much you miss them and love them! Do it for me, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! This is the very best way in the world I know how to make a difference! LOVE!!! by, Christian Karen Berman


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