Appreciate what you have
Dewdrop Shaheena - The Mindpreneur
I help leaders CHAMPION GRATITUDE CULTURES & restore the MISSING SOUL of sustainability leadership through Executive Coaching ★ Emotional Intelligence, NLP Trainer ★ President-PCOMA
What makes it so difficult to appreciate the simple pleasures of life? Why do we always tend to look for what we don't have while all the beautiful things are within our reach? With these questions, the first thing that came to my mind is "what actually is appreciation?" According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word "appreciate" means to recognize the full worth or understand (a situation) fully; grasp the full implications of something or someone.
While it is time to recognize the full worth of something, why do we so often focus on the things we want, instead of reflecting on what we are given? It seems we are in a constant state of yearning for things not yet achieved, spinning our wheels in a never-ending pursuit of that one special tonic we believe will make us happy. But as we furiously chase that shiny new object, we spend less and less time enjoying our life.
Most of what we have attained in our lives were once dreams or goals. Perhaps you longed to have the beloved children you now call your own. Or maybe your deepest desire was to be a homeowner. Maybe you hoped you would finally land in a decent job. Yet so often, when we achieve our goals, we still find it difficult to appreciate life.
The irony is if we remembered every day that we could lose someone at any moment, we would love them more fiercely and freely and without fear- not because there is nothing to lose, but because everything can always be lost. It is also scary to think that one day we are going to have to live without our mother or father or brother or husband or wife. Or that one day we are going to have to walk this earth without our best friend by our side, or them without us. Therefore, appreciate your loved ones while you can, because none of us is going to be here forever. Learn to recognize the full worth of what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had.
Taking the best things in life for granted is common amongst everyone. As you breathe right now, another person takes his last. So stop complaining and learn to live with what you have. You can always recognize the magic of daily tender mercies with five principles to help you live a joyful life.
Being mindful is a state of focused attention on the present. When we live in the moment, we are able to fully appreciate all the details of our life. The ability to wake up for Fajr prayer, the morning sunrise, a twittering bird, our child’s smile, and also our food becomes more enjoyable. Tasks that once seemed tedious will be more fulfilling when we focus on the present. In fact, research has shown that being present in our daily activities allows us to appreciate life and be more effective in the pursuit of our goals. But being mindful takes practice; therefore the best way to start is by doing one thing at a time. Single-tasking helps us remain focused on the present. So take ownership of your time, and remember the Proverb: “When walking, walk. When eating, eat.” Additionally, take ten minutes from your busy schedule on a daily basis to sit down, close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
Most of us are taught the importance of sharing from a very young age. Giving to others is not only a way of providing ourselves with a sense of usefulness to others, but it also gives us a warm feeling of satisfaction in the knowledge that we are able to contribute something positive towards the world and the people who inhabit it. It also instils compassion and empathy for others within us and pulls us away from potentially selfless acts as a result.
Furthermore, the notion of giving to others also acts as a great reminder that nothing that we own in this world actually belongs to us, to begin with. In fact, it is all given to us by Allah SWT and can just as easily be taken away from us in the same way it was given. Giving to and helping others is a core principle that is highly encouraged in Islam. Additionally, it is also an act which greatly pleases Allah SWT and is generously rewarded in return. Allah SWT promises to reward us in multiple ways – both in this world and in our Hereafter – for sharing our wealth with those less fortunate than ourselves.
“It is better to give than to receive,” this adage is more than just a religious axiom. Throughout history, scholars and philosophers have agreed that true happiness lies in helping others. Lending a helping hand to someone less fortunate enables you to appreciate what you have in a more meaningful way. Studies have shown that the act of altruism releases pleasurable endorphins known as a “helper’s high.” Whether you’re giving your time or your resources, helping others can increase life-expectancy, reduce stress, and improve your mental health. Doing good things for others elicits strong feelings of self-worth and satisfaction, which can help you appreciate yourself and your current situation in life.
Gratitude is a mindset and emotion that enables us to view our lives through the lens of hope and positivity. Developing a practice of being thankful allows a stuck mindset to release itself from the burden of focusing on the half-empty glass. Not everyone is instinctively appreciative, but we can develop a grateful mindset with a daily practice of acknowledging the blessings in our life. Making gratitude a habit will enable us to focus on our goals without dwelling on our failures. Keeping a nighttime gratitude journal or practising a morning “thank you” mantra are great boosters that will help us sustain a positive mindset and appreciate our life. Once we have established a gratitude habit, we will be able to develop a deeper satisfaction with our lives and feel less anxiety about our future.
No one’s life is perfect. As we navigate through the bumpy roadblocks in life, we all deal with failure, loss, and sometimes tragedy. Yet if we allow ourselves to view these struggles as character-building opportunities, we can experience tremendous growth during the unexpected detours on our journey. One of the surest ways to find contentment is to be thankful during the most difficult times in your life. When we understand and appreciate life’s challenges, peaceful security emerges from knowing that the inevitable trials we face can ultimately be endured. A very good approach to embrace the challenge is to ask yourself after every hurdle "What is this situation teaching me, What are my learnings, What can I take forward from this?" Practice the mantra "I win or learn, but never lose in life".
Becoming comfortable with your life is not just about being grateful for the things you have. Accepting yourself unlocks the magic that comes from honouring the real you. Celebrate your uniqueness, and never compare yourself to others. Show yourself compassion, and explore your inner power by taking time every day to appreciate yourself and recognize your greatness. Say out loud and affirm yourself with the following
I am Unique
I am Enough
I am worthy
I am brilliant
I am bright
I'm a radiant being of light
I'm an outstanding peak performer
I'm a dynamic life transformer
We definitely can experience the serenity of inner peace by simply appreciating the good things in our life. Life is too short so be kind to each other, care, love, support, appreciate and be there for each other as much as you can. Don’t wait to have these feelings after a person dies and cannot feel it and see it. Show the same love, appreciation and importance to someone when they are alive. Let them see and feel how important that person is to you. Not just talk about it, but to act on it. Actions speak louder than words. That is what counts.