Appreciate the Journey.
The road to success is often bumpy; sometimes the potholes are so deep that you think you will disappear. Eventually, you find your way out of the hole and begin to effectively navigate your journey. You may still fall occasionally, but, hopefully, experience has taught you that it is merely an unexpected detour (filled with hidden gifts and adventures) along the way.
The tapestry of our lives rests upon the balance of the paradox. Without cold, there could be no warmth; without hate, there could be no love. Our victories are defined in part by our emergence from despair or victimization to a new renewed consciousness. The glory of success is the celebration of our movement from something undesirable to something attained. If we did not have to overcome something to achieve success, it would be an empty victory.
Take a moment, right now, to appreciate your journey. Look how far you have come. Appreciate the many gifts of those difficult experiences of your past and notice how they have enriched your life. If you are in a challenging circumstance, use your past as a reminder that this too shall pass and that your life will again be filled with joy and laughter.
Success or sabotage??Success is defined by your assessment of the journey; remove the "blinders" and remember to enjoy the ride.
Is this going to be an incredible day??If you are really paying attention, every day is incredible if you allow it to be so.