Appointment of qualified personnel within the public servant hierarchy.
Nowadays, in the public sector recruitment personnel in hierarchy positions has failed this blessed country with a high prevalence of corrupted practice in every department and every politician. Corruption has become a norm within the government system and has deeply rooted in the society that we dwell in. It is culturally fabricated in the Melanesian culture were the communities practice every day like wantok system, barter system and the list go on.
The public service mechanism has manipulated and intimidated by the Melanesian’s norm since they have made the system to be faulty. And our people felt the negative impact of services being neglected by those in the authority. Even, the appointment to the higher post are determined by the political leaders appoint their cronies which the principal problem mendacities in service delivery.
Since, the problem is a huge contributor in lack in basic service at the grassroots level. The question now is how we can achieve greater heights in basic services and economy prosperity. We need some evaluation on the current status of the country’s indications and expected outcomes. Vision 2050 is the best vision that the country has to fulfill. We have another 49 more years and we need to properly review the progress and grasp the importance of us being developed. To get us back in line toward achieving what Vision 2050 has aspired.
The point of my views on the development of this nation is centered on the actual achievement. As to why the local MP through the District Development Authority continual in change the expected development with their wish list and shopping list. How delivery of services are being measured without any bias and variables that may indirectly affect the project implementation.?The intentions of changing those public office holders and the development progress in today’s government has being high basically they (MPs) sees himself/herself as the inferior and authority figure with puffed up pride. When he first takes the office he will change anyone whom he is pleased to yet the projects are not completed. Most of this changes are driven by the political interests.