Applying logic vs. Going with the Popular Wave - a few thoughts
Aniruddha Sarkar
Creative Author, Self Publisher - do read my poems, articles, stories, project case studies , adventure stories. Shall appreciate your feedback.
Applying logic vs. Going with the Popular Wave - a few thoughts
Aniruddha Sarkar
19 August 2022
#Who is a #popular #member of the #community?
As I look at a few faces around me, I have a feeling that these people are very #sociable. They always #smile. They always #exchange #niceties.
These people can #mix #with #any #crowd. They #take #part in all #community #events and #festivals. #Privately, they #keep #information about #every #individual. A few of them may also maintain their #inner #circles.
They know what works, and what does not work in our existing social order. They maintain the #right #connections. A few among them also network with #powerful and #influential people.
At every gathering, they grace the occasion as #important #social #dignitaries.
They shall #not #easily #lose their #composure even if they face inconvenient questions.
Outwardly, these people are very #conscious about maintaining a great #public #image.
Interestingly, these people are all #popular. We perceive them as #model #community #members.
Who is not so popular?
These people #may #not #mix #with too many #neighbors. They may try to maintain a #private #space around them. These people avoid #major #gatherings. They #may #not #be #knowing #many #people around.
These people are mostly #calm and #quiet. They may express their #independent #opinion irrespective of whether those views are popular or not. They don’t mind if people #dislike their #unpopular #stands. These people #believe #in #themselves. They are #unbiased. They can #think #logically.
Once #convinced, they are ready to #take #the #bull #by #the #horn. They always #call #a #spade #a #spade. They #ask #pertinent #questions #without #any #fear #or #prejudice.
These people are #upright. They #speak #out and #express their #disapproval of #societal #issues, which they think need to be addressed appropriately.
Although they may like to be away from the day-to-day socializing, they are #sincere in their #community #participation. They are #willing to #cooperate and #handshake as required.
Let us call these groups of people #THINKERS or #QUESTIONING #BUDDIES.
Now, I share a few of my observations.
The GOOD BUDDIES are very large in numbers in every community. They are the majority by headcount.
In any community, the THINKERS or QUESTIONING BUDDIES are very few by headcount.
Now, let us find out what happens on the ground.
Here is a case study:
One drain construction involving serious risk to an existing multi-story housing structure begins.
The QUESTIONING BUDDY objects. He wants to see the local urban government’s approval for the construction.
The GOOD BUDDIES, who started the construction, intervene. They ignore the risk perception, refuse to apply their mind, and seek to overrule the QUESTIONING BUDDY.
There is a face-off.
One person vs a large crowd.
The local urban administration intervenes. They temporarily suspend the construction by an order till the Housing Society follows the government procedures.
Finally, a government-authorized, certified engineer prepares a plan. The urban administration approves the same. The construction resumes as per the revised plan.
The outcome:
1. The drain comes up a few feet away from the existing structure.
2. The QUESTIONING BUDDY is further #isolated from the GOOD BUDDIES.
If we look around, we may witness an enormous crowd of GOOD BUDDIES within our communities who keep doing things, sometimes, #without #applying #their #minds.
A handful of QUESTIONING BUDDIES apply their minds and #object #to #aberrations.
However, most of the time, those QUESTIONING BUDDIES are #overruled by a show of strength from the GOOD BUDDIES.
In a few extreme cases, the disputes land up in the courts.
#Do #we #shut #up too often to #maintain our #popularity and #sociability?