Applying Broken Gun Control Logic to Other Societal Problems
James McGovern
Executive Architect | Application Modernization | Enterprise Architecture | Financial Transformation | Fractional CTO
Why do we as a society tolerate the media publishing correlative statistics deceptively? All right, I can do that, too. Check it out. Statistically, 100% of people who drank water are either dead or will die. This being the case, why don’t “responsible” people stop drinking water?
Did you know that the leading cause of divorce is marriage? Why don’t responsible people not get married? And people who carry a pocketknife are 500X more likely to cut themselves. People who use alcohol are 1000X more likely to get drunk. Women who are pregnant are 900x more likely to have an abortion.
Statistically, liberals are 4,000,000x more likely to consume whatever information they are fed by other weak-minded liberals, CNN, and their Democratic handlers/puppet masters. Given that this is the case, why don't liberals go out and graze with the rest of the sheep out in the fields? My sincerest apologies to any ACTUAL sheep reading this post. At least sheep are good for something like providing wool to keep us warm and veal when we are hungry. Anyway...
Those with a driver's license are 4000x more likely to cause accidents. Why don’t responsible people give up their driver's licenses?
Why don’t we stop this nonsense and look at the real issues? You know, a root cause analysis instead of all this virtue signaling of the cancel culture. Maybe we should consider looking at real research. For example, according to a 2000 CHL study (gun owners cite their sources instead of making stuff up), male legal gun owners are 7.7 times less likely to commit violent crimes and 18 times less likely to commit crimes in general. This is one of the lowest measurable demographics for crime, lower than police officers.
I welcome anyone to fact-check that if you live in the desert you are not going to be eaten by sharks. Therefore, all of us should live in the desert. Same logic. But if faced with an armed intruder, my odds are 50/50 armed, and ZERO unarmed. I don’t like ZERO. 50/50 is much better. With practice, I can make that 60/40 or even 70/20 as felons seldom use the range for practice. That and unarmed sheep are vastly more likely to be attacked than the sheepdog who has teeth,
87.2% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Statistically, pool owners are 4000x more likely to have someone drown in their pool. Why don't responsible pool owners give up their pools? Do we dare ask what are the odds of a pro-abortion woman likely to murder an unborn child are?
Statistically, more people who own automobiles drive drunk and kill innocent people than people who don't own automobiles. What would it take for every politician who believes in gun control to lead the way and give up their vehicle?
What is the probability of you being in a “Gun-free” zone (and being unarmed, of course) and living to see the next day if someone decides to start shooting everyone?
What is the probability of the police arriving in time to “protect us” from said shooter if no one can protect themselves but the police?
What is the probability I will put my life, or my family's lives, in the hands of someone else? ZERO.
If you think making people more defenseless makes them safer, I'd love to hear how that will work!
Does intellectual honesty require anyone to stop acting like everyone everywhere deserves to live? People make choices and those choices have consequences. The only people who are at risk from my guns are criminals and/or anybody who wishes to do my family harm. If someone forcefully enters my home, the consequence of that is they may end up dead. My point is, that justified and legal use of force that results in the death of a “bad guy” isn't a problem that needs solving. The entire point of having a gun is protection. And that means lethal force if required to keep yourself, your family, or your property safe. Every human being has a natural right to protect themselves and their property. And in the USA, our founding fathers knew and understood that so well, they limited the government's ability to remove that right.
Now imagine if people like me voluntarily surrendered our #secondamendment rights to make these people happy. Should they in turn surrender their #firstamendment rights and stop saying stupid shit in public?
Is it reasonable to expect woke individuals to actually do some real research as they are more likley to get stabbed by a knife over getting shot?
Federal EEO Investigator
8 个月I appreciate the mention, Mr. McGovern. Thank you for your military service. As a Survivor Fellow with the Everytown for Gun Safety and a volunteer with Moms Demand Action, I advocate for gun safety. Many of our members are gun owners and we actively recruit members who own firearms because we want to work together to stop gun violence, the #1 killer of kids in the U.S. (Check out if you don't believe me). What I find beneath you and frankly, just rude is your method of argument. I see your comics and name-calling - cute but they do not directly refute any facts or evidence-based solutions to gun violence. You, sir, are using the lowest, most basic form of Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement when you attack my characteristics to make your counterpoint instead of explicitly refuting my facts. I am disappointed that a person of your stature would take this route but not surprised given your political leanings. Gun safety is not political, so why don't you join us in making common-sense gun laws? BTW, you're wrong about "The only people at who are at risk from my guns are criminals...". You need to be on that list as well. More veterans die at home than on deployment. Extreme Risk Laws WORK!