Applying Action Learning in Group Coaching?

Applying Action Learning in Group Coaching?

What is Action Learning:

Wikipedia: Action learning is an approach to problem-solving.

It involves taking action and reflecting upon the results.

This helps improve the problem-solving process as well as simplify the solutions developed by the team.

The theory of action learning and its epistemological position was originally developed by Reg Revans (1982), who applied the method to support organizational and business development initiatives and improve on problem-solving efforts.

Here is Revans’ definition of action learning:

Learning . . . is . . . the more appropriate use, by reinterpretation, of the subject’s existing knowledge including his recollection of past, lived experiences. This reinterpretation is a social process carried on among two or more learners, who, by the apparent incongruity of their exchanges, frequently cause each other to examine afresh many ideas that they would otherwise have continued to take for granted, however false or misconceived. (Revans 1982, p. 627)

The formula is

L ( learning) = P ( programmed Learning) + Q ( insightful questioning) + A ( action) + R ( reflection)

Why we have to choose for our group coaching?

  • It provides individuals to utilize their appropriate power, skills, and capabilities to confidently work collectively and find sustainable solutions.
  • It aids their personal development, enhancing emotional intelligence and resilience.
  • This technique serves to harmonize individual learning value and strategic value for the organization.
  • Leadership is spontaneously developed in this process.
  • Mentoring and nurturing skills develop naturally.

It is based on the premise that we can merely learn about work at work by Work, just as we can simply learn how to swim by swimming at a swimming pool.

We have realized Action Learning is especially compelling for working out complex problems that may appear unsolvable. It intensifies the norms, the collaboration, the creativity, and the courage of groups.

“People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.” -Paulo Coelho

How we have adopted the same in our group coaching

As we know Action Learning tackles problems through a process of first asking questions to analyze the specific structure of the problem, reflecting and identifying potential solutions, and later taking action. Questions build by group dialogue and cohesiveness, generate innovative and systems thinking, and strengthen learning emerges.

1. A Problem

2. An Action Learning Group or Team

3. A process of Insightful questioning and reflective listening

4. An Action was taken on the problem

5. A commitment to learning

6. An Action leaning coach

We tested with a problem:

"Product Owner involvement and Improving PO Maturity at the Organization"

We formed a task force to look into it.

A group of about 10 individuals meets periodically with a coach, occasionally for a day a month. Some groups are time-limited, for example, to a six- or twelve-month duration; some are open-ended or tied to the fulfillment of a program. The group representatives are typically relative strangers to each other.

In our case, the Scrum master facilitates such a session. She moderates the meeting with a time limit, moderate the discussion, note down the points discussed, and write down the action and follow up with the same.

Once the meeting is over, the set members are expected to implement all that was discussed as a solution to the current problems. Some solutions may involve bringing other teammates who were not a part of the set group. This may require sensitivity when handling and explaining the solution to the non-set member, but will also lead to an overall stronger team.

Members are expected to exchange ideas on the findings and aid each other in developing subsequent solutions to implementations that failed or that did not generate positive results.

In the next meeting, there will be discussion and reflection on our progress. What we have learned, what steps we have taken, and what is our new course of action. A key point is that actions and outcomes still remain the responsibility of the individual participant.

We experimented and a learned a lot in this process. Many actions have been taken to drive the PO maturity improvement. It was a dedicated drive to address this problem. Eliminated many bottlenecks which were disabled PO to become more engaged and mature the PO capabilities.


