Apply Now for BOOKED: 2021!
Ingrid Pui Yee Chu 朱珮瑿
Curator & Writer // Associate Curator, Tai Kwun Contemporary
BOOKED: 2021 at Tai Kwun 大館
Dates 日期:25.02.2021 – 28.02.2021
Programme information 詳情:
Apply online 網上申請表格:
Submission deadline 申請截止日期:Friday 星期五 08.01.2021
Apply now -- Tai Kwun Contemporary’s BOOKED: 2021 is now welcoming applications for its third annual “boutique” edition celebrating art and publishing, to take place from 25 to 28 February 2021. Ideal participating booksellers will present artists’ books, zines, photo books, art monographs, critical/theoretical and experimental writing as well as other printed ephemera. In these extraordinary times of travel restrictions and social distancing, BOOKED: 2021 will feature Hong Kong-based artists, art publishers, bookmakers, and art organisations. At the same time, BOOKED: 2021 will offer a special ‘twin’ partner programme, where local participants can suggest or are matched with non-local participants. This echoes the intrinsic nature of books to circulate, connecting people and communities over great distances all the while creating intimate moments of engagement.
Tai Kwun Contemporary remains committed to providing a platform for art practitioners and publishers, while being mindful of health and safety.
現正接受申請 -- 大館當代美術館每年一度的「BOOKED:」現正接受藝術家、藝術出版商、書籍製作者和藝術組織申請,參加2021年2月25至28日舉行的第三屆藝術書籍盛會。今屆BOOKED:尤其希望呈現藝術家書籍、雜誌、攝影書、藝術專著、評論/理論及實驗性寫作、藝術雜誌或其他周邊印刷品。鑒於疫情下的旅遊限制及保持社交距離的規定,BOOKED: 2021將以香港參與單位為主,並特別推出「孖展」計劃,讓本地與亞洲或國際的參與單位配對展出。本港的參與單位亦可提議與外地參與單位結為配對夥伴。我們冀望發揮書籍的特質:與人分享溝通,令分散的人民和阻隔的社群,即使相距遙遠也可互相交流。
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