Apply to join the OODA Network
Over the past five years, the?OODA?Network has benefited from compelling research on exponential technologies and geo-political risk, dozens of member-only networking events in DC, Vegas, and San Francisco, insight from fellow experts during our monthly calls, and a 50% discount to attend our annual?OODAcon?event.
In 2024 we will be increasing the cost to become a member of the?OODA network. Existing members will not experience a cost increase, so if you've been on the fence about joining, now is the time to act!
Already in the first quarter of the new year we have planned network member discussions on Quantum Technologies, the NSA program called Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC), Generative AI, and the changing missions of U.S. INDOPACOM.
We are also continuing our series of monthly network only events with member driven topics. Recent sessions have examined:?Changing SEC regulations, the nature of the threat from China, and the strengths and weaknesses for Generative AI for enterprises.
Join the network today and access these and other events and help shape our agenda for the rest of 2024 including for the 6 Nov 2024?OODAcon.?For more and to apply see: