Applications of Benzene
Benzene is an essential and natural component of crude oil and is used to produce polystyrene. Its applications include:
Paints and printing products
Benzene is a constituent of many painting products. Various products employed in the print industry also contain benzene. It is present in products such as ink, sealers, spray paints, lacquers, etc.
Fuel oils
Because of its high octane number, it is found in fuel oils such as petroleum, gasoline, and kerosene. Many people also use it as a gasoline additive to help fuel burn more efficiently.
It is also used to produce asphalt by various roofing and paving companies.
Used as solvent
Benzene has many industrial and commercial applications as a solvent. Products containing benzene can be used as solvents in various production stages. Benzene is also used to manufacture chemical and plastic products: resins and synthetic products like nylon.
Chemicals manufactured that contain benzene include detergents, dyes, pesticides, etc. Additionally, it is used for degreasing metals as well.?
Production of chemicals
It is used to produce numerous chemicals such as ethylbenzene, cumene, alkylbenzene, cyclohexane, nitrobenzene etc.
Production of rubber
Benzene is widely used in the manufacturing of tires and rubbers. Adhesives used to glue soles to shoes have benzene in high amounts.
Raw material
Benzene acts as a raw material for the preparation of phenol. It is also used to prepare aniline, which is used in dyes.
Alchemi provides premium-quality benzene. Contact Varun Hiryur and Mohammed Anees Mansuri for further details or booking orders.
NOTE: Benzene is a toxic chemical, and continuous exposure can have cancerous effects. Therefore, take precautions while working or using it