The application of silk screen printing in the packaging field after integrating it with other printing methods.

The application of silk screen printing in the packaging field after integrating it with other printing methods.

As we all know, the main advantages of offset printing, gravure printing, and flexo printing are graphic delicate text, rich layer reproduction, good dot restoration, suitable for mesh adjustmentand printing of fine images.

Screen printing relies on thick ink layers, bright colors, and full It has high harmony, strong three-dimensional effect, and can achieve a variety of defenses. Pseudo features and special effects.

In actual production, more and more companies use a combination of multiple printing processes to achieve the expected special effects.

In particular, the use of rotary screen printing units with extremely high printing accuracy combined with flexographic printing machines makes the printed products even better.

This method can obtain gold, silver and other metallic effects as well as embossed and frosted effects on the substrate. In the packaging and printing industry, screen printing plays a very important role in improving packaging quality, enhancing promotional effects and increasing the added value of goods.

It is believed that in the future, with the improvement of equipment, materials and the increasing perfection of process technology, screen printing will play an important role in the packaging field. must will achieve greater breakthroughs and development.


