IT Application Developers' Rules of IT Systems Architecture: Inspired by the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
Peter Sigurdson
Professor of Business IT Technology, Ontario College System | Serial Entrepreneur | Realtor with EXPRealty
IT Application Developers' Rules of IT Systems Architecture: Inspired by the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition are a collection of sacred business principles used by the ultra-capitalistic Ferengi race in the "Star Trek" universe. They're often cited by various Ferengi characters in different "Star Trek" series, especially by Quark in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."
Once you've deployed the code, you never roll it back. (Just kidding, always have a rollback strategy.)
Never spend more on a framework than you have to. Open source for the win!
Family or not, never let anyone merge without a code review.
Keep your log files open and your error messages verbose.
Opportunity plus a solid MVC pattern equals scalable software.
Documentation is eternal. (Until the next version release.)
A deal with a vendor is a deal until a more efficient cloud service comes along.
It never hurts to suck up to the system administrator.
Microservices are good for business. Monoliths are good for job security.
Cache like latinum. Treasure it.
Good programmers are as rare as comments in a minified JS file. Appreciate them.
The only true universal constant is SQL queries will somehow become more complex.
JSON today, YAML tomorrow. Flexibility in data formats is key.
Artificial Intelligence will replace all things, except a misplaced semicolon.
If you think it's time to refactor, it's already too late.
Never put business logic in the database. Unless it's a stored procedure, then maybe.
Hardware problems are always network issues, and network issues are always hardware problems.
Machine Learning is good for prediction; Human Learning is needed for understanding why.
An API endpoint is an endpoint until a new frontend requirement comes along.
Invest in quantum computing like it's a promising stock. It will either skyrocket your capabilities or remain an enigma.
A programmer without Stack Overflow is like a Ferengi without profit. Unthinkable.
Parallel processing is the path to power. Multi-threading is the path to madness.
The best code is self-documenting. The next best thing is... well-documented.
Never trust a developer who says, "It works on my machine."
A deadline is a deadline (until the next sprint).
Git Blame is a tool, not a weapon. Use it wisely.
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is like a good meal. Easy to digest when properly divided.
When in doubt, cache it out. But remember, cache invalidation is one of the two hard things in computer science.
An algorithm in the lab is worth two in production. In other words, test thoroughly.
AI won't fix bad data. Garbage in, garbage out.
Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live. Because they might be.
These rules should bring a smile to Star Trek fans and provide some insight into programming and IT concepts.?
Enjoy the journey through these star-studded software principles!