Application class in Android

In Android, the Application class is an integral part of the application lifecycle and serves as the entry point for an Android application. It acts as a base class for maintaining global application state and performing initialization tasks that need to be executed before any components of the application are created.

The Application class is automatically instantiated by the Android system when the application is launched and is responsible for managing the application's overall lifecycle. It is instantiated before any Activity, Service, or BroadcastReceiver is created, and it remains active until the application is terminated or removed from memory.

Some key aspects and functionalities of the Application class include:

  1. Global Application State: The Application class provides a central place to store and manage global application state that needs to be accessed from multiple components. It allows you to define and store variables, objects, or data structures that need to be accessible throughout the entire application.
  2. Application Context: The Application class provides the application context, which is a context that is tied to the lifecycle of the application. It can be accessed from any component of the application and is especially useful in situations where you need a context that persists across different activities or services.
  3. Initialization Tasks: You can override the onCreate() method of the Application class to perform initialization tasks that need to be executed when the application is first launched. This could include setting up third-party libraries, initializing global resources, setting up database connections, or any other necessary setup tasks.
  4. Application-level Events: The Application class can also handle application-level events and callbacks, such as low memory warnings or configuration changes. By implementing appropriate methods in the Application class, you can respond to these events and take necessary actions to manage resources or handle state changes.

To create an Application class, you need to create a subclass of the class and specify it in the application tag of the manifest file using the android:name attribute.

? ? android:name=".MyApplication"
? ? ...

Here's an example of a basic implementation of the Application class:

class MyApplication : Application() {

? ? override fun onCreate() {
? ? ? ? super.onCreate()
? ? ? ? // Perform initialization tasks here
? ? ? ? // Setup global resources, libraries, etc.
? ? }

The Application class provides a central point for managing the overall state and behavior of an Android application. It plays a crucial role in setting up and maintaining the application's environment, initializing components, and managing global resources.

In the Android Application class, you can override several callback methods to receive important lifecycle events and system callbacks. These callbacks allow you to perform specific actions or handle certain events that occur throughout the lifetime of your application. Here are some of the commonly used callbacks in the Application class:

  1. onCreate(): This is the first method called when the application is launched. It is where you can perform initialization tasks that need to be executed before any components of the application are created. This includes setting up global resources, initializing libraries, or performing any other necessary setup.
  2. onTerminate(): This method is called when the application is about to be terminated. It is not guaranteed to be called on all devices or in all situations. You can use this method to perform any final cleanup or release resources before the application is completely shut down.
  3. onLowMemory(): This callback is invoked by the system when the device is running low on memory. It is an indication that the system is under memory pressure and your application should release any unnecessary resources to improve memory usage.
  4. onTrimMemory(): This method is called when the system requests your application to release memory. It is a more fine-grained version of onLowMemory(). The callback receives an integer parameter indicating the level of memory trimming, and you can use it to determine the appropriate action to take based on the severity of the memory pressure.
  5. onConfigurationChanged(): This callback is triggered when a configuration change occurs, such as a screen orientation change or a locale change. It allows you to handle configuration-specific changes and update your application's UI or resources accordingly.
  6. onActivityCreated(), onActivityStarted(), onActivityResumed(), onActivityPaused(), onActivityStopped(), onActivitySaveInstanceState(), onActivityDestroyed(): These callbacks are invoked for each activity lifecycle event within the application. You can override these methods to perform actions or update application state based on the lifecycle of individual activities.
  7. registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(), unregisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks(): These methods allow you to register or unregister a callback to monitor the lifecycle events of all activities within your application. By implementing the ActivityLifecycleCallbacks interface, you can receive callbacks for various activity lifecycle events.

These callbacks provide you with the flexibility to respond to important events and manage the overall behavior of your application. By implementing the appropriate callback methods in the Application class, you can customize the behavior of your application based on system events and application lifecycle changes.

import android.content.ComponentCallbacks2
import android.content.res.Configuration

class MyApp : Application() {

? ? override fun onCreate() {
? ? ? ? super.onCreate()
? ? ? ? // Application level initialization
? ? }

? ? override fun onTerminate() {
? ? ? ? super.onTerminate()
? ? ? ? // Called when the application is terminated
? ? }

? ? override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration) {
? ? ? ? super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig)
? ? ? ? // Called when the configuration (e.g., orientation, locale) changes
? ? }

? ? override fun onLowMemory() {
? ? ? ? super.onLowMemory()
? ? ? ? // Called when the system is running low on memory
? ? }

? ? override fun onTrimMemory(level: Int) {
? ? ? ? super.onTrimMemory(level)
? ? ? ? // Called when the system requests to trim memory
? ? ? ? when (level) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_MODERATE -> {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Perform memory cleanup for moderate memory pressure
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? ? ? ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW -> {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Perform memory cleanup for low memory pressure
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? ? ? ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL -> {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Perform memory cleanup for critical memory pressure
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? ? ? // Handle other memory trim levels if necessary
? ? ? ? }
? ? }

Application role in DI using Hilt :

In Android, Dependency Injection (DI) frameworks like Hilt can be integrated with the Application class to provide dependency injection across the entire application. The Application class serves as the entry point for initializing the DI framework and managing the dependencies.

To implement DI using Hilt, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add the necessary dependencies to your project's build.gradle file to include Hilt and enable annotation processing.
  2. Create a custom Application class and annotate it with @HiltAndroidApp. This annotation initializes the Hilt DI framework for your application.


class MyApp : Application() {
? ? // Application code

3. Define your dependencies by creating modules and annotated classes with @Module and @Provides annotations. These modules define how to create and provide instances of your dependencies.

object AppModule {
? ? Provides
? ? fun provideSomeDependency(): SomeDependency {
? ? ? ? return SomeDependencyImpl()
? ? }

4. Annotate your classes that depend on the injected dependencies with @AndroidEntryPoint. This annotation allows Hilt to inject the dependencies into the annotated classes.

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
? ? @Inject
? ? lateinit var someDependency: SomeDependency
? ??
? ? // Activity code

5. Build and run your application. Hilt will automatically generate the necessary code to inject dependencies into the annotated classes.

By utilizing the Application class as the entry point for Hilt, you ensure that the DI framework is initialized and available throughout the entire application. This allows for easy management and injection of dependencies in various components, such as activities, fragments, services, etc.

The Application class in Android provides several advantages and has some potential disadvantages. Let's discuss them below:


  1. Global Application State: The Application class allows you to maintain global application state and share data across various components, such as activities, services, and broadcast receivers. It provides a centralized place to store and access application-wide data.
  2. Lifecycle Management: The Application class follows the application lifecycle, meaning it is created when the application starts and persists until the application is terminated. This allows you to perform initialization and cleanup tasks at appropriate points in the application lifecycle.
  3. Context Access: The Application class provides a context that can be accessed from any component within the application. This is useful when you need a context that is not tied to a specific component, such as when accessing resources or starting a new activity.
  4. Customizations and Configurations: You can extend the Application class to add customizations and configurations specific to your application. For example, you can override methods like onCreate() to perform custom initialization or integrate third-party libraries.


  1. Memory Consumption: The Application class is a long-lived object that stays in memory throughout the lifetime of the application. If you store large amounts of data or hold references to objects unnecessarily, it can lead to increased memory consumption.
  2. Potential for Misuse: Due to its global nature, there is a risk of misuse or abuse of the Application class. Developers might be tempted to store unnecessary data or perform heavy operations, leading to poor performance and inefficient memory usage.
  3. Coupling and Testing: By relying heavily on the Application class for accessing global state, there is a potential for tight coupling between components. This can make unit testing more challenging as components may depend on the state stored in the Application class.
  4. Lack of Flexibility: The Application class follows a predefined lifecycle, and once it is created, it remains in memory until the application is terminated. This lack of flexibility can limit certain application design patterns and hinder dynamic behavior.

Thank you for reading till end . Please comment if you have any!

Abdul Waajid

Android Developer | NFC | Bluetooth | Java | Kotlin

5 个月

Great article! It provides complete picture of application class

Anthony Ekpei

Mobile Application Developer (Kotlin,Dart,swift,java)

6 个月

this is a great piece..thank you



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